Faculty Profile

Associate Professor & Chair: Office of Examinations
Information Systems and Analytics
B.E., M.B.A., M.T.P., PhD.
Date of Joining:
6th Apr 2015
- Kartikeya Bolar has an overall experience of 13 years of teaching and research. Prior to joining TAPMI, he has taught across various b-schools in the country like IBS Hyderabad and Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Bangalore. He was a Visiting Scholar at the College of Business Innovation, University of Toledo, Toledo (OH). He was the best outgoing student of the School of Management, Manipal University.
- He has conducted Management Development programs and workshops.
- Programs Conducted:
- 1.Workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling: Basics and Advances”, 30th September and 1st October,2015.
- 2. ICICI Bank Leadership Program for Executives, May 2015, Sessions on “Technology Leadership”.
- 3. Management Development Program for Army Officers in Logistics Management, 8th December – 20th December, 2014, Sessions on “Functional Processes”, “Reliability Centered Maintenance” and “Quantitative Methods in Logistics”.
- 4. Workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling: Basics and Advances”, 23rd and 24th September, 2013.
- 5. Workshop on “Multivariate Techniques: Basics and Applications”, 27th and 28th June, 2013.
- 6. Workshop on “Business Analytics”, 17th April, 2013.
- 7. Workshop on “Advanced Structural Equation Modeling”, 28th and 29th March, 2013.
- 8. Workshop on “Univariate and Multivariate Techniques: Basics and Applications”, 6th, 7th and 8th March, 2013.
- 9. Workshop on “Advanced Structural Equation Modeling”, 6th and 7th December .2012.
- 10. Workshop on Creative Course Development and Delivery workshop for doctoral research scholars, 28th Feb, 2012.
Conferences and Workshops
- “Service Modularity as an Enabler for Service Quality and Value in SMAC Environment – A Study in Transportation Industry”, ATHENAEUM 2016, BIM Trichy, 12th -13th Februrary,2016
- “A Framework of Learning Analytics for Course Design and Training Management”, First International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, IIM Bangalore, 11th -13th December, 2013
- “End user acceptance of IT Interface in transaction based environment, Tenth AIMS International Conference, IIM Bangalore, 6th -9th January, 2013
- “Role of IT Interface Characteristics in end user acceptance of IT Interface in transaction based environment”, Indian Subcontinent Decision Science Conference, IBS Hyderabad, 28th -29th December, 2012
- “Meru Cabs: Past Perfect Present Tense”, International Case Study Conference, IBS Hyderabad, 14th -15th December, 2012
- “Information Security and Internet Banking Interface Utility: Is Information Integrity the missing Link?”, International Conference on Business and Finance, IBS Hyderabad, 6th -7th January ,2012
- “Applications of social networking in International Collaboration, Multi-site Research, Knowledge Re-use and Data Configuration Management”, International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca(NY), USA,1st -4th June,2010
- “Acceptance of Disruptive Technologies”, Midwest Decision Science Institute Conference, University of Toledo, Toledo (OH), USA, 22nd – 24th April, 2010
- “Relating Modularity, Service Quality and Perceived Value”, Midwest Decision Science Institute Conference, University of Toledo, Toledo (OH), USA, 22nd – 24th April, 2010
- “Validity of Formative Measurements: Review and Insights”, Midwest Decision Science Institute Conference, University of Toledo, Toledo (OH), USA, 22nd – 24th April, 2010
- “Modeling the public transport system for privatization”, International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure Development in Conjunction with annual convention of ORSI , Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 27th -29th December 2005
- “IT infrastructure for Banking Services”, National Conference on infrastructure management: Emerging issues, Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal, 16th -18th May 2003
- “Firewall –A Network Security Concept”, “Brain Wave” – State Level Technical Festival, Manipal Institute of Technology, 20th -21st March 2001
Papers presented at conferences
Not Applicable
Media Coverage
Not Applicable