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Faculty Profile


Professor & Chair: Program Office


Accounting, Economics and Finance


FCMA-Fellow of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India;

PhD from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Date of Joining:

6th October, 2022


  • Rajiv Shah has a total of 15 years of experience in academics (mainly at TAPMI). Prior to that he was with the Income Tax department for another 15 years. He contributes to Executive Education and is interested in sustainability issues.


  • Management Accounting
  • Financial Advising and Wealth Management
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Tax Planning


  • Environmental Policy
  • Management Accounting
  • Taxation


  • Shah R.V., (2022) “Financial incentives for promotion of electric vehicles in India- an analysis using the environmental policy framework”, Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, Vol 21 No 3, pp 1227-1234.
  • Shah, R.V. and Guha, Samapti(2021) “Private Sector Participation in Solid Waste Management and Regulatory Strategy- An exploratory study” Economic& Political Weekly, Vol 56, No. 32, pp 95-101.
  • Shah R.V. and Acharya A.B, (2021) “Waste Management and SDGs-Exploring Linkages”, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Vol 27, Feb Suppl, pp 350-357.
  • Shah R.V. and Guha, Samapti, (In Press) “Waste Management and Private Sector Participation- Operational and Behavioural Perspectives”, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.
  • Shah, R. V. (2014). “Exploring the need for direct tax incentives for plastic waste management in India.” L. Kreiser, S. Lee, K. Ueta, J. E. Milne, & H. Ashiabor (Eds.), Environmental Taxation and Green Fiscal Reform: Theory and Impact (Vol. XIV., pp. 260–269). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. (Book Chapter).
  • Bose,Kaundinya and Shah R. V. (2022) “Behavioral Biases in Investing- A Conceptual Study of Six Common Biases”, The Chartered Accountant, Vol 70, No.12, pp 1492-1497.
  • Shah R. V. and Ravisankar G., (2021) “Transfer Pricing and Advance Pricing Agreements in India”, Chartered Secretary, Vol 51, No.6, pp 96-99.
  • Shah, R.V. and Saraogi A, (2020) “ESG Disclosures and Investing in India- An Overview” Management Accountant, Vol 55, No. 6, pp 37-40.
  • Shah R.V. (2020) “Process Costing using FIFO or Weighted Average-which is better?” Management Accountant, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp 63-65.
  • Shah R. V. (2013) “Direct Tax Incentives and Plastic waste-to-fuel businesses”, TAPMI Working Paper No. TWP 92/2012-13.
  • Shah, R. V. (2010), “Green Taxes”, Research Bulletin, Vol. XXXIV, 2010, pp32-34, Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

Conferences and Workshops

  • “Sustainable Development and Environmental Goods and Services Industry – Exploring Linkages” 20th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, September 2019, Limassol, Cyprus
  • “Direct Tax Incentives and Plastic Waste-to-Fuel Businesses” 14th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, October 2013, Kyoto. Japan.
  • “Income tax incentives and Plastic waste-to-energy converters”, Yale-GreatLakes7th International Research Conference, 2012, Chennai.
  • Examining the role of Direct Taxes in Non-Biodegradable Waste Management in India”, 11th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, Bangkok, 2010.
  • Invited Lecture: “Direct Taxes and Environmental Issues”, International Conference on Environmental Issues in Emerging and Advanced Economies: Canada, India, Ahmedabad, 2009.
  • Practitioners’ Seminar on Wealth Management’ organized by the CFA Institute, India, at Mumbai from 2016 to 2019.


  • Not Applicable

Media Coverage

  • Not Applicable