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FAQs (Admissions 2020-22)

You can pay INR 70,000 in online mode and send the details as mentioned in LPS to
You can expect an acknowledgement (e-mail) after paying the first instalment within 2-4 days of actual payment.

If you do not receive an acknowledgement of the first installment via email, you need not worry about it. Please send an email at regarding same.

The due date for the second installment will be mentioned in the Letter of Provisional Admissions (LPA). Usually, it is 20 days from the date of the LPA.
All withdrawals will be dealt within 45 days of receiving the signed withdrawal request in the format available with the Admissions Office. The last date of withdrawal is August 10, 2020 (in compliance with AICTE Refund Policy) after which refund requests will not be entertained.
No. As per the AICTE notification dt. July 7, 2020 the Academic sessions for PGDM 2020-22 Programme commences on August 12, 2020.
Yes. The details of such scholarships will be furnished only after joining the programme. Please refer section.


Please note: All the dates and details are subject to change with respect to MHRD, GOI notifications.