Faculty in News

/Faculty in News

Reading and Reviewing Indian Research Writing: Experience of an Editor

Reading and Reviewing Indian Research Writing: Experience of an Editor Dr. Rama Mohana R. Turaga, Editor of Vikalpa : The Journal for Decision Makers, had delivered a guest seminar on ‘Reading and Reviewing Indian Research Writing: Experience of an Editor’ . The seminar was attended by TAPMI members consisting of [...]

By |December 2nd, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Kartikeya Bolar

2nd Faculty Development Program on “Structural Equation Modelling using RStudio –For Research and Publications” Following the tremendous success of the FDP( Faculty Development Program )on Dec 16 and 17 ,2016, TAPMI was proud to host the Second FDP on SEM (Structured Equation Modeling) using R Studio - For Research & [...]

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharjee and Prof. Aditya Mohan Jadhav

Workshop on SAS Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharjee and Prof. Aditya Mohan Jadhav offered one day free Workshop on SAS for TAPMI faculty and Ph.D. scholars, based on request from doctoral scholars. 17 participants benefited from the workshops Date: October 07, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Some of the things [...]

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Kavitha Ranganathan

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Prof. Kavitha Ranganathan (with Nathan Berg and Srinivas Prakhya), "A satisficing approach to eliciting risk preferences." Journal of Business Research 82 (January 2018): 127-140. ABDC- A.

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Madhu Sehrawat

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Prof. Madhu Sehrawat (with A. K. Giri), "The impact of financial development, economic growth, income inequality on poverty: evidence from India." Empirical Economics (2017): 1-18. ABDC-A.

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Anubhav A Mishra

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Prof. Anubhav A Mishra. "Consumer responses to brand deletion." Journal of Brand Management (2017): 1-11. ABDC-A.

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Raghunath Rudran

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Prof. Raghunath Rudran (with Ajith Kumar J.) "Measurement scales for technology-generated customer contact." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 37, no. 5 (May 2017): 534-556. ABDC-A.

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan

Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan (with Yangyang Chen and Edward J. Podolski). "National culture and corporate innovation." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 43 (June 2017): 173-187. ABDC-A Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan (with Yangyang Chen, W. Robert Knechel, Vijaya Bhaskar Marisetty and Cameron Truong), "Board Independence and Internal Control Weakness: Evidence from SOX [...]

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Amol Subhash Dhaigude and Prof. Debmallya Chatterjee

Case Publication Prof. Amol Subhash Dhaigude and Prof. Debmallya Chatterjee (with Vishnu Kumar-TAPMI PGP Student). “Case: JSW Steel Ltd.: A Logistics Dilemma.” Ivey Publishing(2017).

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments

Prof. Kedar P Joshi and Prof. Debmallya Chatterjee

Case Publication Prof. Kedar P Joshi and Prof. Debmallya Chatterjee. “Case: DHL Global Forwarding: Consolidation Program.” Ivey Publishing (March 2017).

By |October 31st, 2017|Faculty in News|0 Comments