Faculty Development Program on MVDA

Why attend a FDP at TAPMI?
The T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) is one among the management Institutes with the globally coveted AACSB accreditation. This mandates every faculty of TAPMI to publish in reputed peer reviewed journals. Publication has been a focus area of TAPMI for several years now. We are among the top business schools for publication in India. TAPMI has 45 PhD faculty and nurtures research big time. This program is TAPMI’s commitment to extent its expertise in paper publications to other management institutes to facilitate career development of the faculty in other institutes as also help the institutions set higher benchmark for publication and to embark upon procuring the coveted AACSB accreditation.
Why Multivariate Data Analysis?
Multivariate techniques like Regression and Factor Analysis are 2 most important tools for research. These methodologies study more than one variable at a time and concentrate on degree of relationship between variables of interest. Also, in a situation where a series of dependent-independent relationships are examined simultaneously or a situation where the validity of the measure has to be established, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) provides you the power to analyze. These situations are typical in research in most disciplines like psychology, marketing, organizational and information systems research. These research methodologies are crucial to start the journey of research and publications. The applications of these techniques are innumerable and proven through countless academic publications.
Learning Outcomes of the Program
The Programme shall be carried out in a workshop mode using hands on lab sessions with valid data sets using SPSS & AMOS. The learning outcomes of the program are
1. Apply the multivariate data analysis techniques (regression and factor analysis) using SPSS
2. Creating SEM (Structural and Measurement) Models using AMOS
3. Analyse the results of the SEM Models
4. Integrate and post the results of the analysis appropriately in a research paper
Profile of Resource Person: Dr. Shirshendu Ganguli (Associate Professor, TAPMI)
He has 16 years of Academic, Corporate and Research Experience. He has spent a year @ Bentley University, Waltham, USA as a Visiting Research Scholar. He has published in journals of repute, viz. Marketing Management Journal, Managing Service Quality, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Journal of Services Research, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, The Qualitative Report, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector. He has conducted several workshops on SEM and Research Methods. He has attended and presented papers at both international & national conferences. His research interests include Service Management, Service Quality, Customer Experiences and Customer Relationship Management. He is also regular reviewer of reputed journals like Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vikalpa, International Journal of Bank Marketing, IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, & Springer Plus journals.