Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor
Operations and Decision Science
Edu: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (MNNIT Allahabad), M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Date of Joining:
15th September 2022
- Sharma B.D., Yadav P.K. and Filippo A.N. “A Jeffrey-Fluid Model of Blood Flow in Tubes with Stenosis” “Colloid Journal“(SCI), (2017) 79(6), 849-856.
- Sharma B.D., Yadav P.K. “A Two-Layer Mathematical Model of Blood Flow in PorousConstricted Blood Vessels” “Transport in Porous media” (SCI), (2017), 120(1), 239-284.
- Sharma B.D., Yadav P.K. “A Mathematical Model of Blood Flow in Narrow Blood Vessels in Presence of Magnetic Field” “National Academy Science Letters (SCI)” (2019), 42(3), 239-243.
- Yadav P.K., Jaiswal S. and Sharma B.D. “A Mathematical Model of Micropolar Fluid inTwo-Phase Immiscible Fluid Flow through Porous Channel” “Applied Mathematics andMechanics (English Edition) (SCI), (2018), 39(7), 993–1006.
- Yadav P.K., Sharma B.D., and Filippo A.N. “Oscillatory Viscoelastic Model of Blood Flow in Stenotic Artery” “Colloid Journal” (SCI) (2020) 82(5), pp. 617–625.
Research Papers published:
Conferences and Workshops
- “A Two-Layer Mathematical Model of Blood Flow in Porous Constricted Blood Vessels” presented at “SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial DifferentialEquations (PD17)” from December 9-12, organized by Society of Industrial & AppliedMathematics United States of America at Baltimore Convention Centre, Inner Harbour,Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- “An Analytic Solution of Pulsatile Jeffrey Fluid Model of BloodFlow in Stenotic Artery” presented at International Conference of The Indian MathematicsConsortium (TIMC) in cooperation with American Mathematical Society (AMS) duringDecember 14-17, organized by DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical SciencesBanaras Hindu University Varanasi, India.
- “Bio-Magnetic Blood Flow through Stenotic Artery” presented atInternational Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Differential Equations, and ScientificComputing & Applications (ICMMDESCA-2016) on Mar 27 – 29, organized by the Departmentof Mathematics & Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
- Research paper titled as “Jeffrey Fluid Model of Blood Flow in Narrow TubesWith Stenosis”presented at The International Conference On Current Trends In PDEs: Theory &Computations (ICCT-PDEs: TC-2015) on December 28-30, organized by the Faculty ofMathematics & Computer Science, South Asian University New Delhi, India.
- Research Paper titled as “Two layered Jeffrey Fluid Model of Blood Flow in NarrowTubeswith Mild Stenosis” presented at 18th International Conference of InternationalAcademyof Physical Sciences (CONIAPS-XVIII) on Recent Trends in Physical SciencesDecember22-24, organized by Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India.
- Completed a three-month faculty development program on Python organized by Ethnus.Certificate ID: T963FYW6 [Validate at https://ethnus.com/certverify]. 2021.
- Two-day workshop on “Hand on Statistical Data Analysis Using R” from 8-9 December 2018 at VIT-AP University Amaravati Andhra Pradesh India.
- “CIMPA: Summer School on Multiscale Computational Methods and Error Control” fromJune 26, 2017, to July 21, at IIT Kanpur Jointly organized by CIMPA – CENTRE INTERNATIONALDE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES France and IndianInstitute of Technology, Kanpur.
- GIAN course on “Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics: Foundations” by Prof K.B Chandranof the University of Iowa USA organized by Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indiafrom December 5 to 11, 2016.
- “Compact course on compressibleNavier-Stokes equations” from2 – 14, 2016 May at TIFR-Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore.
- Workshop on “Medical Imaging: Techniques & Clinical Applications” Organised by IITKanpur Under NNMCB-IIT Kanpur Node from February 22 – 23, 2016.
- “Advanced Workshop in School on Mechanics and Applied Mathematics” under TEQIPfrom February 20- 25, 2015 at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
- Intern Researcher, in the “Winter Internship program under TEQIP from December 7-27” 2014, at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India under Dr B. V. Rathish Kumar Departmentof Mathematics and Statistics.
- AdvancedWorkshop on “Stability Analysis of Differential Equations with Applications toFluid Flow Problems” from March 20-23, 2014, under National Program on Differential Equations:Theory, Computation & Applications (NPDE-TCA) at IIT Kanpur.
Paper Presented at Conferences:
Workshops Attended:
- “Student Conference Fellowship Award-2017” from Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA, 2017.
- DST- International Conferencevisit Fellowship from “Science and Engineering Research Board” Governmentof India, 2017.