Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor, Co- Chair: HR, Organizational Behaviour and Communications area (HROBC)
HR, Organizational Behaviour and Communications
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) in HRMfrom XLRI Jamshedpur, MBA in HRM andMarketing from MNNIT Allahabad, Techin Electronics &Communication Engineering
Date of Joining:
2nd November 2022
- Kadumbri Randev is an Assistant Professor in the area of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour. She has earned her Doctoratein Human Resource Management (HRM) from XLRI – Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur. The title of her thesis is, “What Makes Employees Raise Voice? Examining the Impact of High-Involvement HRM and Ethical Climate.” Prior to joining the doctoral programme, she earned her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad with dual specialization in HRM and Marketing Management.In addition, she has aBachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degreein Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) from Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur. At TAPMI, she teaches courses like Organization Design & Structure, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Employer Branding, International HRM and Mergers and Acquisitions to MBA (Core),HRM and International Business students.She is a FIRO-B Certified Professional whoconductsleadership advisories for MBA students as well as conducts Management and Leadership Development Programmes for corporate clients in the areas of Persuasive Communication, Change Management, Effective Leadershipand Organizational Effectiveness.
Her research interests lie in the areas of sustainable HRM,future of work, strategic HRD, high-involvement HRM and dynamics ofemployee voice and silence. Her research work is published in peer-reviewed journals of international reputeand has also been presented in renowned national and international management conferences. In addition, she also serves as an ad-hocreviewer for top journals and is a member of the Academy of Management, British Academy of Management and the National HRD Network.
- Organization Design and Structure
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Planning
- International HRM
- HR Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Employer Branding and Value Propositions
- Dynamics of Employee Voice and Silence Behaviours in Organizations
- Sustainable HRM Practices
- Digitization and HRD
- Performance Management
- Gender in Organizations and Occupational Segregation
- Bandyopadhyay, S. and Randev, K.K. (2023). “Exploring the nexus between reattachment to work, presenteeism and organisational resilience of MNEs: a conceptual analysis,”International Journal of Organizational Analysis,https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-06-2023-3794(ABDC B, Scopus Q1).
- Randev, K.K.(2023). “Why Do Women Today Earn More Than Their Mothers, But Still Less Than Their Brothers? A Gendered Organization Perspective,” Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10672-023-09476(ABDC C, Scopus Q3).
- Randev, K.K. and Jha, J.K. (2022). “Promoting Decent Work in Organizations: A SustainableHRD Perspective,” Human Resource Development International, 26(4), 471-484,1080/13678868.2022.2097823(ABDC B, Scopus Q1).
- Randev, K.K. and Jha, J.K. (2019). “Sustainable Human Resource Management: A Literature-based Introduction,” NHRD Network Journal, 12(3), 241-252,https://doi.org/10.1177/2631454119873495
- Tripathi, V., Shukla, S.M. and Randev, K.K. (2016). “Determinants of Work Life Balance ofWorking Mothers,” Management Insight, 12(2), 14-27.
- Randev, K.K. and Nandan, T. (2016). “Quality of Work Life Indicators for SustainableDevelopment in the Indian Banking Sector,” International Journal of Management andApplied Science, 2(12), 153-157.
- Randev, K.K., Jha, J.K. and Thakur, K.N. (2024). “Quick Heal Technologies: Quest for a Performance-Driven Culture,” Ivey Publishing, Product Numbers [W34089; W34090].
Journal Articles:
Case Publication:
Conferences and Workshops
- Varma, L. and Randev, K.K. (2024). “Organizational Cronyism: Systematic Literature Review using TCCM Framework,” presented inTAPMI International Research Conference on Reimagining People Management at Manipal, between 28th-30th March 2024.
- Randev, K.K., Jha, J.K., Varkkey, B. and Kumar, R.S. (2023). “What Makes Employees Raise Voice? Examining the Impact of High-Involvement HRM and Ethical Climate,” presentedin the 83rdAnnual Academy of Management Conference at Boston, Massachusetts, USA, between 4thand 8th August, 2023.
- Bandyopadhyay, S. and Randev, K.K. (2023). “Exploring the Nexus of Reattachment to Work, Work Engagement and Presenteeism as Determinants of Organizational Resilience: A Conceptual Analysis,” presentedin the 16th International Human Resource Management conference at London, United Kingdom, between28th and 30th June, 2023.
- Randev, K.K. and Jha, J.K. (2019). “Understanding Decent Work from the Perspective of Human Resource Management: An Emerging Framework,” presented inthe 7th PAN IIM World Management Conference held at IIM Rohtak, Haryana, India between 10thand 12th December, 2019.
- Randev, K.K. and Jha, J.K. (2019). “Understanding Sustainable HRM: A Systematic LiteratureReview,” presented in the British Academy of Management Annual Conference held atAston Business School, Birmingham, United Kingdom between 3rdand 5thSeptember, 2019.
- Randev, K.K and Nandan, T. (2016). “Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life in the IndianBanking Sector,” presented in the 5thInternational Conferenceof VIPSAR held at VishishtSchool of Management, Indore, India on 10thDecember, 2016.
- Randev, K.K. and Nandan, T. (2016). “Quality of Work Life Indicators for SustainableDevelopment in the Indian Banking Sector,” presented in the International Conference onManagement and Information Technology, by Academic World, Bangkok, Thailand on16thNovember, 2016.
- Indian Oil Corporation Limited –Team Building and Women’s Leadership Development Program – “TheArt of Persuasive Communication for Personal Effectiveness,” 1st December 2023, Manipal.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited – Batch 24: “Understanding Leadership Styles, Modes and Orientations,” 17th November 2023, Manipal.
- Canara Bank – Mid-Career Training Program (Batch II):“Leadership in Organizations,”17th August 2023, CIBM, Manipal.
- Canara Bank – Mid-Career Training Program (Batch I):“Leadership in Organizations,”25th July 2023, CIBM, Manipal.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited and ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited – Grade A & B: “Effective Leadership: Orientation, Modes and Styles,” 29th June 2023, Manipal.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited and ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited – Grade A & B: “Principles of Persuasive Communication,” 27th June 2023, Manipal.
- Canara Bank – Regional Heads:“Management Principles for Communicating Change,” 30th April2023, Bengaluru.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited – Grade C: “Championing Workplace Communication for Organizational Effectiveness,” 31st March2023, Manipal.
- Liberty General Insurance – WeGrow: Women Capability Development Program – Senior& Junior Women Managers: “Persuasive Communication for Business,”14th-16th March 2023, Mumbai.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited – Grade C: “Championing Workplace Communication for Organizational Effectiveness,” 2nd March2023, Manipal.
- Mangalore Refinery & Petroleum Limited – Batch 21: “The Art of Persuasive Communication for Personal Effectiveness,”23rd January2023, Manipal.
- Delhi Public School, MRPL, Mangalore – School Leadership Program for Teachers: “The Art of Persuasive Communication for Teaching Effectiveness,” 15th October 2023, Manipal.
- Welcome Group School of Hospitality and Administration (WGSHA) – Faculty Development Program: “Importance of Effective Communication for Classroom Engagement,” 23rd – 24th September 2023, Manipal.
- Participated in the 10th Case Method Workshop organized by IIM Calcutta Case Research Centre from 4th – 6th January, 2024.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on Teaching through Cases at TAPMI Manipal on 20th – 21stDecember, 2023.
- Nominated by XLRI Jamshedpur to participate in the Doctoral Teaching Workshop conducted by Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore from 1st to 3rd February, 2021.
- Participated in the 5th HR Summit2020, “Reimagineering the Role of HR in the Post-Covid World,”organized by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry(FICCI), Rajasthan State Council on 16thDecember, 2020.
- Participated in the Panel Discussion on “Building Progressive Employee Relations forCompetitive Advantage” in the 8thAwanish Kumar Dev Memorial Lecture organisedbyNational HRD Network and Maruti Suzuki IndiaLimited on 24th September, 2020.
- Attended the Doctoral Symposium at British Academy of Management AnnualConference hosted by Aston Business School, Birmingham, United Kingdom on 2ndSeptember,2019.
- Randev K.K. and Jha, J.K. (2019). “Moving towards Decent Work through Sustainable HRMPractices: An Emerging Framework,” Paper accepted for presentation in the National Seminaron Employment Relations: The Transformational Strategies for Sustainable HR Practices,hosted by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India on 10th– 11thAugust, 2019.
Executive Education:
Management/Leadership Development Programs:
Faculty Development Programs:
Workshops Attended:
- Best Paper Award at the International Conference of Management and InformationTechnology, Bangkok on 16th November, 2016.
- Certificate of Excellence in Summer Internship 2015 conferred by SJVN Limited (A Govt. ofIndia Enterprise, Mini Ratna) at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Media Coverage
- Randev, K.K. (2023). “Significance of MBA as a career in a fast-growing economy like India,”Voices,The Times of India, Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/voices/significance-of-mba-as-a-career-in-a-fast-growing-economy-like-india/?val=3728: 15th June, 2023.
- Randev, K.K. (2018). “Bowing Down to the Millennials: A Road to Corporate Sustainability,” Visionaries 2018 – The Annual Consulting Magazine by CRUX, XLRI Jamshedpur.