Faculty Profile

Associate Professor & Chair: I T Committee & Area Chair: Information Systems and Analytics (ISA)
Information Systems & Analytics
FPM (I) from Indian Institute of Management Indore, MS [By Research] from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Madras
Date of Joining:
- Lakshminarayana Kompella, Ph.D., before joining TAPMI worked at the National Institute of Technology Warangal (2018-2023). He teaches IT/Analytics, innovation, and technology management subjects for Master/Ph.D. management students. IT/Analytics subjects and electives are on industry 4.0 themes connectivity, data, and computing – cloud, Web 3.0, blockchain, sensors; intelligence – machine learning, deep learning, big data, and time series forecasting; systems and HCI – Business analysis, E-Government, Agile and product management, AR/VR and automation. Before completing the doctorate (FPM) from IIM Indore with a thesis on the technological transition of fast-changing systems (E-Governance), he worked in IT for 19 years. The companies include multi-national IT product and service companies.
He is a researcher and consultant on socio-technical systems, software engineering, and E-Governance. His specialty is innovation management and technology forecasting of fast-changing technologies, such as IT, by identifying necessary organizational and social changes to enable the diffusion and absorption of technology. He is a reviewer for peer-reviewed high-impact journals indexed in ABDC/Scopus/Web of Science.
- IT/Analytics, innovation, and technology management subjects
- Mishra, A., Kompella, L., Sangavarapu, L. M., & Varam, S. (2021). Ensemble-based Machine Learning Models for Phase Prediction in High Entropy Alloys. Computational Materials Science, 111025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111025; ABDC/SCI/Scopus: NA/0.93/1.3; Impact factor – 3.3
- Kompella, L. (2021). The transition of a socio-technical system to a smart grid: illustrated with the Indian electricity network. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJESM-06-2020-0005; ABDC/SCI/Scopus: C/0.27/0.61; Impact factor – 1.721.
- Kompella, L (2021) Influence of coalitions and embeddedness on public innovation: illustrated with the Indian agriculture, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1964353; ABDC/SCI/Scopus: B/0.3/0.63; Impact factor – 1.867.
- Kompella, L. (2020). Socio-technical transitions and organizational responses: insights from E-Governance case studies. Journal of Global Information Technology Management. 23(2), pp. 89-111.https://doi.org/10.1080/1097198X.2020.1752082; ABDC/SCI/Scopus: B/0.19/0.41; Impact factor – 2.88.
- Kompella, L. (2020). Role of organizational aspects in requirements engineering processes of a socio-technical system: Insights from E-Governance case studies. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 12(2), pp. 113-140. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: NA/0.20/0.40; Impact factor – 0.58.
- Kompella, L. (2020). A Co-Evolution Framework Towards Stable Designs from Radical Innovations for IT Organizations. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), 17(01), 1-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242019000200044. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: C/0.22/0.32; Impact factor – 1.278.
- Kompella, L. (2019). Digital Innovation in the Public Sector: The Role of Embeddedness in Socio-Technical Transitions. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), 16(07), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219877019500597. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: C/0.22/0.32; Impact factor – 1.278.
- Kompella, L. (2019). A Co-evolution Framework towards Stable Designs from Radical Innovations for Organizations Using IT. Journal of technology management & Innovation, 14(2), 44-58. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219877020500066. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: C/0.26/0.64; Impact factor – 0.87.
- Kompella, L. (2019). Barriers to radical innovations as stable designs: Insights from an IT case study. International Journal of Innovation Management. 23(05), 1950047. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919619500476. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: B/0.57/0.88; Impact factor – 2.03.
- Kompella, L. (2018). Indian IT service industry as a socio-technical transition: A multi-level perspective analysis with case studies. Journal Transition Studies Review, 25(2), 13-35. https://doi.org/10.14665/1614-4007-25-2-002. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: C/0.14/0.3; Impact factor – 0.68.
- Kompella, L. (2017). E-Governance Systems as socio-technical transitions using multi-level perspective with case studies, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 123, pp. 80-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.06.024. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: A/1.25/1.64; Impact factor – 8.593.
- Kompella, L. (2016). Enablers for improving organizational interoperability in E-Governance Systems, Electronic Government, An International Journal, 12(3), pp. 279–300. ABDC/SCI/Scopus: NA/0.38/1.04; Impact factor – 1.409.
Conferences and Workshops
- Kompella, L. (2021, Apr). Transitions in information systems development: an SME’s issues and challenges. International Conference in Enterprise Information Systems. 26-28 Apr 2021, Portugal. Vol. 2, 413-420. DOI:10.5220/0010516904130420.
- Kompella, L (2020, June). Technological characteristics and organizational innovation: examining as genotypes and phenotypes. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) (pp. 1-10). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC49519.2020.9198544
- Kompella, L. (2014). E-Governance Systems as socio-technical transitions a multi-perspective analysis using case studies. IFIP Working Group 8.2 Organizations and Society and Information Systems (OASIS)-2014, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Kompella, L. (2014). Agile Methods, Organizational Culture & Agility: Some Insights, 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Workshop – CHASE 2014, pp. 40-47. https://doi.org/10.1145/2593702.2593708
- Kompella, L. (2013). Advancement of decision-making in Agile Projects by applying Logistic Regression on estimates, IGCSE IEEE 13th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Bari, Italy, pp. 11-17. ISBN: 978-1-4799-1218-6
- Kompella, L. (2012). Improving Product Quality in Agile Projects using Process Step Product Quality (PSPQ), SSQI’s ISSEC-SEPG Asia-Pacific Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
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Media Coverage
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