Faculty Profile

Faculty Associate & Co-Chair: IPM Program
HR, Organizational Behaviour & Communications
FPM (Pursuing from IIM Indore), MA – Psychology, Corporate – PGDBA, UGC-JRF & NET
Date of Joining:
5th Sep 2022
Manoj Kumar Yadav did his Post Graduation in Psychology and currently pursuing ‘Fellow Programme in Management’ (equivalent to PhD) in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management from Indian Institute of Management Indore. He has 10 years of working experience including industry and academia. His teaching and research interests span around the domain of Organizational Behaviour.
MANOJ KUMAR YADAV has a research interest in the following areas:
Conferences and Workshops
- Nambudiri, R., Shaik, R., Yadav, M. K., & Gupta, S. (2019). Mindfully performed organizational routines as a source of continuous change. International Conference organized by British Academy of Management and held at Ashton University, Birmingham, UK held on September 3-5, 2019.
- Nambudiri, R., Yadav, M. K., & Gupta, S. (2019). Developing an integrated model of subtle prejudice and discrimination at the workplace. International Conference organized by British Academy of Management, and held at Ashton University, Birmingham, UK on September 3-5, 2019.
- Yadav, M. K., Thomas, N., & Mokale, R. (2019). Linking Self–Concept, Responsible Leadership, And Network Characteristics: A Conceptual Model. Accepted Paper in Academy of Management Special Conference held at Slovenia and abstract published in Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Slovenia, and No. 2019.
- Yadav, M. K. (2020). Organizational capacity for change (OCC): A literature review of last decade. Conference on Business Theories and Practices around the World organized by EuroMed Academy of Business and held at K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India, and on February 5 -7, 2020.
- Kodwani, A., Mokale, R., & Yadav, M. K. (2020). Discrepancy in Supervisor-Subordinates’ Psychological Contract as an Antecedent to Breach: LMX and Network Centrality as the Underlying Mechanism. 7th International HR Conference held at K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India on January 30 – 31, 2020.
- Yadav, M. K. (2020). Generating and Maintaining Individual and Collective Social Capital: Expected Benefits vs Psychological Ownership. 7th International HR Conference held at K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India on January 30 – 31, 2020.
- Yadav, M. K. & Mokale, R. (2020). When job matters, do employee voices matter? Creating alternate mechanism to voice or self-silencing in a precarious job. INDAM 2020 held at Indian Institute of Management Trichy, Trichy, India on January 2 – 5, 2020.
- Yadav, M. K. (2019). Selecting for generic competencies and developing specific competencies: Resolving the discrepancy between the two competencies. Conference on Excellence in Research and Education, 2019, held at Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore, India, on May 3-5, 2019.
- Yadav, M. K. (2019). Student’s perception on relevance of seminar-based pedagogy in the coursework of doctoral programme in management. National conference on “Sharing Teaching-Learning Experience Conference, 2019” organized by Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India held on March 8-9, 2019.
- Kumar, P. & Yadav, M. K. (2016). Effect of Micro-Aggression on In-Group Identification of Bihari & North-Eastern People. 26th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India organized by Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai held on December 29-31, 2016.
- Yadav, M. K. (2016). From Corporate Social Responsibility to Legal Responsibility – A Comparative Study of Efforts made by Organizations to adapt to the changing needs of CSR. International Conference on Science, Technology, Women Studies, Business and Social Sciences 2016, organized by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Goa, India held on November 3-5, 2016.
- Yadav, M. K. (2016). The Changing Perception of CSR – An After Effect of Company’s Act, 2013. International Seminar on “Indian Mind & Societal Concerns: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue” organized by Department of Psychology, Ramanujan College, Delhi University in association with National Academy of Psychology held on April 2-3, 2016.
- Attended LINKS Workshop on Social Network Analysis 2022 organized by Gaton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, US (June 6 – June 29, 2022) [Course Duration: 53 hours]
- Attended INDAM – PLS SEM Workshop organized by INDAM (March 22-23, 2022) [Course Duration: 5 hours]
- Attended the global online certification course on ‘Social Network Analysis and it’s Applications’ organized by NITIE, Mumbai (January – March, 2022). [Course Duration: 30 hours]
- Attended three day ‘Doctoral Consortium of Teaching 2022’ organized by Centre for Teaching and Learning, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore [Course Duration: 18 hours]
- Attended five-day workshop on ‘Social Network Approach to Organization/Management Research’ organized by SPARC, IIM Udaipur (December 26-30, 2019) [Course Duration: 30 hours]
- Conducted Project Work entitled, ‘Building Knowledge & Participation in Development – Role of Public Information Campaigns (PIC) in Promoting Flagship Programmes’ (under IIMC and funded through Ministry of Information & Broadcasting) which include assessing appropriateness of campaign design, delivery process and its impact on uptake of such services and facilities among the masses/communities. (Project Duration: 5 Months)
- Conducted Project Work entitled, ‘Growth, Investment, Employment Opportunities and Trends in Broadcasting Sector of India’ (under IIMC and funded through Ministry of Information & Broadcasting) which include intense field visits across 13 cities of India. (Project Duration: 6 months)
- Conducted Dissertation Work entitled, ‘Attitudes and Values of Parents, Teachers, and Students towards Sex Education in Schools’. The study was conducted to explore various dimensions in the introduction of Sex Education in schools from the perspective of parents, teachers, and students across schools in two cities – Mumbai & Allahabad. (Dissertation Duration: 1 year)
International Conferences:
National Conferences/Seminars:
Workshops Attended:
Research Projects and Dissertation:
Media Coverage
Not Applicable