Faculty Profile

Associate Professor & Area Chair: Strategy and General Management (SGM)
Strategy and General Management
Fellow- IIM Rohtak, MBA, BBA
Date of Joining:
15th Jun 2018
- Muneza Kagzi is a doctoral candidate from Indian Institute of Management Rohtak with specialization in Strategic Management. Prior to that she has completed her MBA and BBA with specialization in Finance from South Gujarat University, Surat. During her MBA she was the recipient of various awards including Gold Medal for excellent performance in studies and Best Student of the Year. She has approx. 4 years of teaching experience at various management institutes.
- Strategic Management
- Small Business Strategy
- Diversity in Corporate Board
- Strategic Orientation (Exploration- Exploitation)
- Corporate Governance
Muneza has a research interest in the following areas:
- Kagzi, M., & Guha, M. (2018). Does board demographic diversity influence firm performance? Evidence from Indian-knowledge intensive firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(3), 1028-1058. (ABDC Classification: B category)
- Kagzi, M., & Guha, M. (2018). Board demographic diversity: a review of literature. Journal of Strategy and Management, 11(1), 33-51. (ABDC Classification: C category)
- Anand, O., Mittal, A., Moolchandani, K., Kagzi, M. M., & Kar, A. K (2015). Evaluating travel websites using WebQual: A group decision support approach. Intelligent Distributed Computing, 151-160. Springer International Publishing
- Kagzi, M., & Kaur, T., (2011). A study of Corporate Governance with respect to Satyam Accounting Scandal. Sankalpa: Journal of Management and Research, 1(2), 92-98. (ISSN No. 2231-1904).
Peer Reviewed Journal/Non Peer Reviewed Journal
Conferences and Workshops
- Kagzi, M., & Guha, M. (2017). Does board demographic diversity influence firm’s strategic orientation? Evidence from Indian Knowledge-Intensive Firms? paper presented at Fifth PAN-IIM World Management Conference on December 14-16, 2017 at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM L), Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Kagzi, M., & Guha, M. (2016). Literature review: Board demographic diversity and firm dynamics, paper presented at Strategic Management Forum (SMF), XIX Annual Convention on Dec.15-17, 2016 at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Noida Campus, India.
- Kagzi, M., & Guha, M. (2016). Board demographic diversity and Firm Performance: Nature of relationship in Indian context, paper presented at International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM) on November 20-21, 2016 at Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Kagzi, M., Guha, M. & Pandey S. (2015). Female representation on Board and Firms’ performance: An empirical investigation in the Indian Banking Sector, paper presented at Third PAN-IIM World Management Conference, India: The Next Decade, December 16-18, 2015, at IIM Indore, India.
- Recipient of “Gold Medal” (2016) for excellent performance in studies in community by Al-Ameen Charitable Trust, Vyara, Gujarat.
- Awarded for the “Excellent performer” (2015) for excellent performance in studies by Young Muslim welfare society, Vyara, Gujarat.
- Recipient of the “Gold Medal” (2009) for excellent performance in MBA at College level.
- Recipient of the “Best Student of the Year” award (2009) in MBA at college level.
Media Coverage
- Not Applicable