Faculty Profile

Associate Professor & Co-Chair: Accounting, Economics and Finance area (AEF)
Accounting, Economics and Finance
Phd and M.Com
Date of Joining:
15th June 2022
- Prof. Nandan Prabhu is a post-graduate in commerce. He earned his PhD for his research on “Transformational Leadership and Workplace Spirituality: A Structural Model of Team Effectiveness.” He has over three decades of teaching experience. His research interests encompass diverse areas of management. He has been a reviewer of many international research journals. Besides, he has vast experience in editing journals. He has also translated books to English at the invitation of the literary bodies, constituted by the Government, on language development. He has delivered invited talks in India and abroad. He has been publishing his research in areas such as corporate governance, leadership, team effectiveness, and organization politics.
- Rodrigues, P., Pai P., Joshi, H., Prabhu, N. (2022). Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Firms: Influence of Socio-emotional Wealth. Journal of Business Perspectives and Research https://doi.org/10.1177/22785337221098484. SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘C’
- Modem R., Lakshminarayan, S., Murugan P., Pillai K.R., Prabhu, N (2022). Is knowledge hiding in higher education a political phenomenon? An explanatory sequential approach to explore non-linear and three-way interaction effects. Journal of Knowledge Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-10-2021-0748; SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘A’
- Prasad, K., Kumar, S., Devji, S., Lim, W. M., Prabhu, N., & Moodbidri, S. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and cost of capital: The moderating role of policy intervention. Research in International Business and Finance https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101620; SCOPUS; ‘ABDC: ‘B’
- Prabhu, N. and Modem, R. (2022), “Exploring the multi-level influence of shared leadership on workplace spirituality in teams”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-04-2021-2728 SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘B’
- Prabhu, N., & Modem, R. (2022). Shared transformational leadership and emergent team processes: determinants of team viability and team satisfaction. Journal of Asia Business Studies.https://doi.org/10.1108/JABS-04-2021-0141 SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘C’
- Prabhu, N., & Koodamara N.K., (2022). Exploring shared leadership: Mediating roles of spirit at work and team trust. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management.https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2022/v15i2/168333 SCOPUS
- Prabhu, N., Ramaprasad, B. S., Prasad, K., & Modem, R. (2021). Does workplace spirituality influence reflexivity in ongoing teams? Examining the impact of shared transformational leadership on team performance. South Asian Journal of Business Studies. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-07-2020-0246; SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘C’
- Koodamara, N. K., Prabhu, N., Suhan, M., & Narayanan, S. L. (2021). Big Five personality traits and ethical climate: A test of antecedents of unethical behaviour. Journal of Education for Business, 96(4), 243-251 https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2020.1812487; SCOPUS ABDC: ‘C’
- Pillai K, R., Sankaran, K., Ramnarayan, K., &Prabhu KP, N. (2021). Research in higher education governance: past performance and an agenda for the future.Educational Review, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2021.1984214; SCOPUS
- Modem, R., Lakshminarayanan, S., Pillai, R., &Prabhu, N. (2021). Twenty-five years of career growth literature: a review and research agenda. Industrial and Commercial Training. https://doi.org/10.1108/ICT-04-2021-0030;SCOPUS.
- Prabhu, N., & Koodamara, N. K. (2021). Relationship among transformational leadership, workplace spirituality and team effectiveness: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 8(4), 346-360. SCOPUS
- Kamath, P. R., Pai, Y. P., &Prabhu, N. K. (2020). Determinants of recovery satisfaction and service loyalty: the differing effects of service recovery system and service recovery performance. Journal of Service Theory and Practice.https://doi.org/10.1108/JSTP-12-2019-0251;SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘A’
- Roy, P., Ramaprasad, B. S., Chakraborty, M., Prabhu, N., & Rao, S. (2020). Customer Acceptance of Use of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Services: An Indian Hospitality Sector Perspective. Global BusinessReview https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150920939753; SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘C’
- Prasad, K., &Prabhu, N. (2020). Does earnings surprise determine the timing of the earnings announcement? Evidence from earnings announcements of Indian companies. Asian Journal of Accounting Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJAR-04-2019-0023. ABDC: ‘C’
- Ramaprasad, B. S., Rao, S., &Prabhu, K. N. (2020). Commitment profiles and voluntary turnover intentions: An empirical assessment of “two-faces” conceptualization of normative commitment. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 13(5-7), 7-25. https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2020/v13i5-7/153078 SCOPUS.
- Mukesh, H. V., Prabhu, N., Koodamara, N. K., Chakraborty, S., & Kamath, P. (2020). Entrepreneurial potential of students of MBA and engineering schools in the Indian context: roles of leadership and achievement motivation. Journal of Applied Researchin Higher Education.https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-01-2020-0025; SCOPUS
- Kamath, P. R., Pai, Y. P., &Prabhu, N. K. (2019). Building customer loyalty in retail banking: a serial-mediation approach. International Journal of Bank Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-01-2019-0034; SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘A’
- Prabhu KP, N., Pai, R. Y., & Rao KP, A. S. (2019). Underlying assumptions in team effectiveness research: An application of problematization methodology. Cogent Economics & Finance, 7(1), 1658418.https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2019.1658418; SCOPUS;ABDC: ‘B’
- Prasad, K., Sankaran, K., &Prabhu, N. (2019). Relationship between gray directors and executive compensation in Indian firms. European Journal of Management and Business Economics.https://doi.org/10.1108/EJMBE-11-2017-0038; SCOPUS
- KP, Nandan Prabhu, LR, L. R., KPV, R. K., & Pai, Y. P. (2019). Role of team transformational leadership and workplace spirituality in facilitating team viability: an optimal distinctiveness of identities’ theory-based perspective. Industrial and Commercial Training.https://doi.org/10.1108/ICT-07-2018-0062; SCOPUS
- Prabhu, K. N., Rodrigues, L. L., & Pai, Y. (2019). Transformational leadership and workplace spirituality: A structural model of team effectiveness. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 12(4), 7-22. https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2019/v12i4/143344. SCOPUS
- Ramaprasad, B. S., KP, N. P., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2017). Human resource management practices and organizational commitment: research methods, issues and future directions (2001-2016). Industrial and Commercial Training. https://doi.org/10.1108/ICT-05-2017-0033; SCOPUS
- Ramaprasad, B. S., Prabhu, K. N., Lakshminarayanan, S., & Pai, Y. P. (2017). Human resource management practices and organizational commitment: A comprehensive review (2001-2016). Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 10(10), 7-3.https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2017/v10i10/118810. SCOPUS
- NandanPrabhu, K. P., Rodrigues, L. L. R., & Kumar, K. R. (2017). Workplace spirituality: A review of approaches to conceptualization and operationalization. PURUSHARTHA-A journal of Management, Ethics and Spirituality, 9(2), 1-17. SCOPUS
- Prabhu, K. N., Rodrigues, L. L., & Kumar, K. R. (2016). Workplace spirituality and team spirit at work: A team-level contextualization of spirituality. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 9(12), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2016/v9i12/107006SCOPUS.
- Ramaprasad, B. S., Prabhu, K. N., Sethumadhavan, L., & Pai, P. Y. (2020). Human Resources in Information Technology: Best Practices for Talent Retention in High-Performing Information Technology Organizations in India. Nitte Management Review, 13(1&2), 37-61.
- Prabhu, K. N., & Roopa, M. (2020). Manifestation of Self-interest Transcendence: The Role of Team Transformational Leadership and Workplace Spirituality. Nitte Management Review, 13(1&2), 11-24.
- Sankaran, Pillai, K.R., Prabhu, N. (2020). Indic Wisdom in Porter’s Strategic Framework: A Meta-theoretical Narrative. International Journal of Studies in Public Leadership.
- Rao, A., Pai, Y., Mariana, Lakshminarayanan, S., Prabhu, N. (2022). When too much is not good in service recovery: evidence of the Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing Effects in restaurants. Submitted to Services Industries Journal. SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘B
- Modem R., Lakshminarayan, S., Parthesh P., Prabhu, N (2022). Organizational politics research: A scientometric analysis. Journal of General Management. SCOPUS;ABDC: ‘B’
- Modem R., Lakshminarayan, S., Prajwala, R., Prabhu, N (2022). Does ‘bad’ metamorphose into ‘Good’? Unraveling the mystery of positive influence of Organizational politics on job performance. South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management. SCOPUS:ABDC: ‘C’
- Prabhu, N., Prasad, K., Prabhu, B., Pereira, L. (2022). Do stock prices follow geometric Brownian motion? Evidence from Indian stock markets. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance.SCOPUS, ABDC: ‘C’
- Kanika Kohli &Nandan Prabhu (2022). Conceptualizing Mindfulness: A Systematic Review and Future Research Directions. Mindfulness.SCOPUS
- Vrinda B., Ambigai R., Prabhu N. (2022).”Differentiated Doctoral Research Demands: Challenges and Hindrances of the Doctoral Research Program.” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.SCOPUS
- Modem R., Lakshminarayan, S., Murugan P., Pillai K.R., Prabhu, N (2022). Organizational Politics and Creative Performance: Mapping Political Skill’s Effects on Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education. Knowledge and Process Management.SCOPUS ABDC: ‘B’
- Modem R., Lakshminarayan, S., Murugan P., Pillai K.R., Prabhu, N (2022). The personal initiative paradox: why benevolent political will decreases career growth prospects in a political environment. International Journal of Conflict Management. SCOPUS; ABDC: ‘A’
- Prabhu, N., Velayudhan, A. (2017). The Integrated Model of Learner-centric Management Education: Longitudinal Effects of an Experimental Study.
- Prabhu, N. (2017). Effective team leadership: What should team leaders do? What should they not do?
- Prabhu, N. (2016). Role of Transformational Leadership in Team effectiveness: Does Workplace Spirituality Produce an Incremental Process Effect?; Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2015). Team Transformational Leadership and Emergent Team Processes: A Team effectiveness Model of Serial Mediation; Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2014). Team Transformational Leadership and Team Effectiveness: A Model of Serial Mediation;Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2014). Team Transformational Leadership and Team Effectiveness: A Theoretical Framework; Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2013). Lessons from the enabling conditions of team effectiveness: How does team interaction process mediate the effect of transformational leadership?;Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2013). Team Transformational Leadership and Team Effectiveness: A Model of Serial Mediation; Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2012). Workplace Spirituality and Team Effectiveness: Moderating Role of Trust;Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2010). Workplace spirituality: a review of approaches to conceptualization and operationalization; Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2010). From Definitional Muss to Conceptual Convergence: A Review of Dimensions of Workplace Spirituality;Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Nayak, S., &Prabhu, N. (2017). Paradigm Shift in Management Education: Need for a Cross Functional Perspective. In Management Education for Global Leadership (pp. 241-255). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1013-0.ch012 (SCOPUS)
- Nandan Prabhu, K.P. & Ramana Kumar, K. P. V. (2017). Contemporary India: Conflict between Modernity and Values. Published in the Conference proceedings. National Conference on Multifaceted Approach towards New India. Sri Chandrashekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram.
- Nandan Prabhu, K. P.; Rodrigues, Lewlyn L. R.; Ramana Kumar, K. P. V.. (2015). Workplace Spirituality and Transformational Leadership: Theoretical Foundations. Published in the Conference Proceedings. Excel India Publishers: New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-84869-66-3
- Nandan Prabhu, K.P.; Rodrigues, Lewlyn L. R.; Ramana Kumar, K. P. V.. (2012). Modernity and Spirituality: Relevance of Gandhian Thought for Rural Transformation. Published in the Conference proceedings. Excel India Publishers: New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-82062-46-2
- Nandan Prabhu, K. P.; Rodrigues, Lewlyn L. R.; Ramana Kumar, K. P. V.. (2012). Situating the Workplace Spirituality Discourse for Research Endeavours: A Review of Theoretical Frameworks. Published in the Conference proceedings. Center for Indian Culture and Heritage, T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI): Manipal
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Publications in Non-Peer Reviewed Journal:
Papers under review process:
Working Papers Series:
Book Chapters:
Conferences and Workshops
- Prabhu, N. (2018) An Inside-out Perspective of Team Processes: A Team effectiveness model of Serial Mediation. Sixth International Conference on Preparing for the Future: Learning and Teaching Management held at Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management, Nitte, Karnataka, India- 29- 30, Dec, 2018. Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2018) Role of Team Transformational Leadership and Workplace Spirituality in Facilitating Team Viability: An Optimal Distinctiveness of Identities Theory-based Perspective. Singapore- International Conference on Research in Social Science & Humanities (ICRSSH) organized by Social Sciences & Humanities Research Association, held at The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), The Kent Ridge Guild House, 9 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore, 13-14, Nov, 2018. (This is an earlier version of the paper that got published later in a journal). Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2018) Indian Economic Thought: Perspectives on its Fundamental Ideas. National Level Seminar on ‘Indian Knowledge Tradition’ organized by Parivartan Ranebennur and Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management studies, Harihara, 29-30, Mar, 2018. Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2017) Contemporary India: Conflict between Modernity and Values. National Conference on ‘Multifaceted Approach towards New India’ organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Commerce & HR, Sri Chandrashekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India. The paper received the Best Paper award, 10, Nov, 2017; (This paper got published later as a book chapter). Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2016) Path-finding and Conceptual Modelling: An Analysis of Research Approaches to Workplace Spirituality. International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce, Management and Social Sciences held at Manipal International University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The paper received the Best paper award, 22-23, Jul, 2016. Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2016). Workplace Spirituality: A Review of Approaches to Conceptualization and Operationalization. Seventh National Conference on ‘Ethics and Governance in Management.’ Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte, 29-30, Dec, 2015. (This is an earlier version of the paper that got published later in a journal). Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2015). Contemporary India: Conflict between Modernity and Values. National Conference on ‘Value Initiatives in Institutions of Higher Learning: Key to Youth Empowerment organized by Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bengaluru, 3-4 Feb, 2015. Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2015). Transformational Leadership and Workplace Spirituality: Drivers of Organizational Change. International Conference on Management of Change: Issues and Development Perspectives. School of Management, Manipal University, Manipal, 30-31, Jan, 2015. Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2012).Modernity and Spirituality: Relevance of Gandhian Thought for Rural Transformation. National Conference on Rural Transformation and Developmental Perspectives: Managerial Challenges. Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal University, Manipal, 21-22, Jan, 2012. (This paper got published as a book chapter). Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Prabhu, N. (2012) Situating the Workplace Spirituality Discourse for Research Endeavours: A Review of Theoretical Frameworks. National Seminar on ‘Indian Ethos in Management.’ Center for Indian Culture and Heritage, TAPMI: Manipal, 2012. (This paper got published as a book chapter). Available at https://manipal.academia.edu/NPrabhu
- Resource person in the faculty development program conducted by the AICTE Training and Learning Academy during 17 May to 21 May, 2021 on “Conceptualizing Reflective and Formative Constructs.”
- Conducted a faculty development program on “Structure of an Empirical Research Paper” at Welcome Group Graduate College of Hotel Administration, Manipal on 6 march, 2021.
- Conducted a faculty development program along with Dr. Rajasekharan Pillai on “Introduction to Research: How to Write Good Research Proposals”? at Manipal-ICICI Academy of Banking, Bengaluru on 3 and 4 January, 2020.
- Conducted a faculty development program on “Research Paper Writing: Structure and Techniques” at Besant Institute of Management, Mangaluru on 11 January, 2020.
- Conducted a faculty development program on “Academic Writing for Scientific Publication” at Welcome Group Graduate College of Hotel Administration, Manipal on 1 February, 2020.
- Faculty development program on “Enriching Research Publications.” Workshop conducted at Manipal Institute of Management, MAHE, Manipal
- Faculty development program on “How to write the sections on introduction and literature review in a research paper?” Workshop conducted at AIMIT College of Business Management, Mangalore.
- Faculty development program on “How to do literature review?” Workshop conducted at Manipal Institute of Management, MAHE, Manipal.
- Faculty development program on “Literature Review: Rationale, Processes, and techniques.” Workshop held at Department of Commerce, MAHE, Manipal.
- Faculty development program on “Research Paper writing: Skills and Strategies” at Sahyadri Institute of Management, Mangalore University, Mangalore
- Faculty development program on “How to write the introduction section of a research paper”? Workshop held at Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management, Nitte, Karnataka, India
- Workshop on “Writing strategies for publishing in academic journals.” Besant College, Mangalore.
- Workshop on “Writing strategies for publishing in journals: Editorial expectations.” Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management, Nitte
- Faculty development program on “How do we determine what makes an action ethical?” at S.D.M. College, Kumata. Conducted by the Centre for regional Development, School of Management, MAHE.
- Workshop on Research and Publication, Department of Commerce, Manipal University, Manipal, August- September, 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Principal theories of Ethics” by the Centre for regional Development, School of Management, MAHE.
- Workshop on “How to write the review of literature?” Canara College, Mangalore.
- Workshop on Classroom Management Techniques for faculty members, Canara College, Mangalore University, Mangalore.
- Workshop on Classroom Management Techniques for Faculty Members, Besant MBA Institute, Mangalore, Mangalore University.
- “Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness.” Manel Srinivas Nayak Memorial Besant Institute of PG Studies, Mangalore. 16-17, Feb, 2012.
- “Business Ethics.” Faculty development program on “Entrepreneurial Teaching.” Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Manipal, 2-14, January, 2012.
- Faculty development program on “Workplace Spirituality” for teaching entrepreneurship, Manipal Institute of Management, MAHE, Manipal.
- “Stress Management: Inspired by Life.” Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, 6 July, 2010.
- Workshop on effective teaching of corporate finance, Department of MBA, Vivekananda Engineering College, Puttur, Vishweshariah Technological University
- Workshop on the revised syllabus of BBM III semester of Mangalore University, Organized by Alva’s College, A unit of Alva’s Education Foundation in association with Forum of Business Management Teachers, Mangalore University, 23 June, 2007.
- A week-long workshop on ‘Research Methods in Econometrics’ at School of Management, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, 2019.
- Faculty development program on “Structural Equation Modelling Using R studio- For research and Publications.” TAPMI, Manipal. 6-7 October, 2018.
- Faculty development program on “Train the Trainer”, School of Management, 4-6 July, 2018.
- “Advanced Data Analysis Using Smart PLS”, Institute of Management technology, Hyderabad, 17-19 Nov 2016.
- “Business Statistics using SPSS: An Introduction.” School of Management, MAHE, Manipal, 19-20, April, 2016.
- “Pedagogic & Personal Effectiveness.” Manipal Centre for Professional and Personal Development, MAHE, Manipal. 28-30 December, 2015.
- “Introduction to Qualitative Research.” T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal. 7-8 Feb, 2014.
- “Multivariate Statistical Techniques for Research.” TAPMI, Manipal, 10-14, June, 2013.
- “Statistical Methods for Research: An Introduction.” TAPMI, Manipal. 16-20, April, 2013.
- “Research methodology in Management: An Introduction.” TAPMI, Manipal. 17-19, Jan, 2013.
- Faculty Development Workshop on “Data Analysis for Research.” MIM, Manipal. 5-7, Oct, 2012.
- Workshop on “Data Analysis for Management research.” IIM, Kozhikode. 23-27 Apr 2012.
- “Introduction to Ethics.” Manipal centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, Manipal. August- October, 2011.
- Workshop on “Multivariate data Analysis for Research Scholars,” TAPMI, Manipal, 20-21, Dec, 2010.
- Faculty Development programme on Research Methods in Management, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 5-10, Jan, 2009.
- Executive Development Program (EDP) on “Working Capital Management: Best Practices for Operational Excellence,” School of Management, Manipal University, Manipal. April, 2017.
- A workshop on “Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness: An approach of Systems Thinking” for corporate executives of Manipal Technologies Limited, Manipal, 2013.
- “How to understand differences in personality? A look at the theories of personality.” National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board in collaboration with MIM, MAHE, Manipal, 7 Feb to 6 Mar, 2010.
- “Personality Characteristics: Implications for Personality-Job Fit.” National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board in collaboration with MIM, MAHE, Manipal, 7 Nov to 5 Dec 2009).
Papers presented:
Management Development Programs: