Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor
Finance, Accounting and Economics.
PhD in Finance from IIT Roorkee; MBA from IIT Dhanbad; B.Com (Hons.) Banaras Hindu University
Date of Joining:
10th July, 2023
- Dr. Prateeksha Maurya is Assistant Professor in Finance and Accounting area. She has completed her PhD in Finance from the Indian institute of technology Roorkee, where she was also engaged as Teaching Associate. She has completed her MBA from IIT Dhanbad and Graduation from Banaras Hindu University. Her research interests are Financial Inclusion, women empowerment, entrepreneurial finance and public policy. She has published several peer reviewed research papers and book chapters in her area. Her work has been featured at several international forums like Glasgow University, American University, the World Bank forum, to name a few. She has received grants from ICSSR and world Bank for her research work.
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C., “Inter-temporal and Spatial Variation in Credit Access to Indian Unorganized Women Entrepreneurs” Journal of Public Affairs; Wiley Press. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2192 [ABDC-B, SCOPUS, ESCI]
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C., “What restricts credit to women enterprises? Evidence from India’s Informal Sector” International Journal of Social Economics; Emerald Publishing, pp.920-937 (2019) https://doi/10.1108/IJSE-08-2018-0422 [ABDC-B, SCOPUS,ESCI]
- Biswas P, Mohanty P.C., Maurya P., “Growth of Women Entrepreneurs in India” in Essays for Professor Antonio Marika Viciziany: Culture, Society and Economy, Step Books Publications (2022)
- Maurya P, Mohanty P.C., Shuvam S., “Mapping up Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs in India” in Essays for Professor Antonio Marika Viciziany: Culture, Society and Economy, Step Books Publications (2022)
- Maurya P., “IFRS vs. Ind AS: The road towards complete convergence’’ in Dynamics of Finance and Accounting, Edited by Meenakshi A.Singh, Vandana Sonker, Vandana Srivastava; Dominant Publishers, pp.13-24, 2016. (ISBN: 978-93-84207-19-90)
- Maurya P., “An assessment of research prospective of value creation through intangible assets management’’ in Dynamics of Finance and Accounting, Edited by M. A. Singh, V Sonker, V Srivastava; Dominant Publishers, pp. 333-346, 2016. (ISBN: 978-93-84207-19-90)
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals:
Book Chapters:
Conferences and Workshops
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (August 2019): Women Entrepreneurs and Financial Access: Evidence from 73rd NSS Round; 15th National Seminar on Subjects covered during 72nd and 73rd Rounds of NSS Survey, Organised by National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India, IIM Indore, India
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (July 2019): Social Capital, Empowerment and Financial Access: Evidences from Indian Informal Sector; Third SANEM-World Bank North America Discussion Forum 2019, Washington D.C., USA
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (June 2019): Enablers and Barriers of Financial Access to Women Enterprises: Evidence from India’s Informal sector; Tenth International Conference on Economics by World Economic Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (June 2019): Access to credit for Unorganized Entrepreneurs in India: Evidences of deterrence and discrimination against Women; 28th International Association For Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (November 2018): Are female owned informal enterprises in India are financially included? Pathways to Gender Equality Conference by American University and Institute of Women Policy Research, Washington D.C., USA.
- Maurya P., Mohanty P.C. (December 2018): What restricts female owned informal enterprises in India to access formal credit? 6th PAN-IIM World Management Conference 2018, IIM Bangalore, India. (Also appointed as Session Chair)
- Maurya P., Sharma A.K. (August 2016): Relevance of culture for IFRS implementation in India. International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF 2016), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India.