Faculty Profile

Date of Joining:
Jan 02, 2024
Prof. Kumra joins us with rich academic, administrative and industry expertise of over three decades. Prior joining TAPMI-MAHE, he served IIM Lucknow for 15 years. He served as the Dean – IIM-Lucknow (Noida Campus) from April 2018 to December 2019. He also served as the Dean – International of the said institution from December 2016 to April 2018, along with being a distinguished senior professor at IIM-Lucknow, one of India’s premier business school. Prof. Kumra also served IIM – Indore for two years. He worked in the industry for a decade before transitioning to academics. He has been awarded Best Faculty at IIMs for 11 years in a row.
- Applied Marketing Strategy
- Sales and Distribution
- Marketing Management, I and II
- Consumer Behaviour
- Customer Relationship Management
- Packirisamy, P., Meenakshy, M., & Jagannathan, S. (2017). Burnout during early career: lived experiences of the knowledge workers in India. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(1), 96-121.
Case Studies
- Vaccine on wheels, Fox-International school second runner up award chosen among all the cases entries across globe.
- LenDenClub: New Product Development in the Digital SpaceR Kumra, Ivey Publishing, Integrated Centre for Consultancy Private Limited: Public Relations in India
- Bombay Shaving Company: Digital Customer Conversion R Kumra, Ivey Publishing Case; https://store.hbr.org/product/bombay-shaving-company-digital-customer-conversion/W21363; Product #: W21363
- Kumra, R. et. al. (2017). Wingreens Farms: Sustainable Growth, W17794-PDF-ENG: Harvard Business School Publishing https://hbr.org/product/wingreens-farms-sustainable-growth/W17794-PDF-ENG
- Kumra, R. (2017). Drishti Eye Center: Managing a Sales Force, W17129-PDF-EN: Harvard Business School Publishing https://hbr.org/product/drishti-eye-centre-managing-a-sales-force/W17129-PDF-ENG
- Kumra, R. (2016). Teracom Limited: Appointing a Consumer Distributor, W16457-PDF-ENG: Harvard Business School Publishing https://hbr.org/product/teracom-limited-appointing-a-consumer-distributor/W16457-PDF-ENG
- Kumra, R. (2014). Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited: Empowering Rural Consumers, W14606-PDF-ENG: Harvard Business School Publishing https://hbr.org/product/mahindra-and-mahindra-finance-services-limited- empowering-rural-customers-in-india/W14606-PDF-ENG
- K Avinash, Rajeev, Kumra: Ramendra Singh, (2022) “Drivers, Barriers, and Facilitators of Entrepreneurship at BoP: Review, Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda” Journal of Macromarketing, Category A journal as per ABDC list; ABS 3 rank
- K Avinash, Rajeev, Kumra: Ramendra Singh, (2022) Base of the pyramid producers’ constraints: An integrated review and research agenda Journal of Business Research 140 (February 2022), Pages 115-129; Category A journal as per ABDC list; ABS 3 rank
- PK Sharma, R Kumra, (2022). Relationship between mindfulness, depression, anxiety and stress: Mediating role of self-efficacy, Personality and Individual Differences 186, 111363; Category A journal as per ABDC list ABS 3 rank
- A Kumar, R Kumra, (2021). Television viewing and conspicuous consumption of households: evidence from India, Journal of Consumer Marketing 38 (3), 272-281, Category A journal as per ABDC list
- Kumra, R., & Sharma, P. K. (2022). Mediating role of trust in the impact of perceived empathy and customer orientation on intention to continue relationship in Indian banks. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 27(4), 372-386.
- Sharma, P. K., & Kumra, R. (2022). The second COVID-19 coronavirus wave and its implications for stress, anxiety, and depression among Indian adults. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, (ahead-of-print).
- R Kumra, A Khalek, T Samanta, (2021). Factors Affecting BoP Producer Intention to Use P2P Lending Platforms in India. Journal of Global Marketing, Category B journal as per ABDC list
- PK Sharma, R Kumra, (2020). Examining the mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between workplace mindfulness and organizational justice and its association with well-being.South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Category C journal as per ABDC list
- Relationship between workplace spirituality, organizational justice and mental health: mediation role of employee engagement, (2020). PK Sharma, R Kumra, Journal of Advances in Management Research
- Malik Anjali, Ambika Kumar, Rajeev Kumra (2020), “Children in the digital world: Exploring the role of parental–child attachment features in excessive online gaming”, Young Consumer, 21 No. 3, pp. 335-350,Category B journal as per ABDC list https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/YC-01-2020-1090/full/html
- Bhatnagar, S., & Kumra, R. (2020). Understanding consumer motivation to share IoT products data. Journal of Indian Business Research. Vol 12, Issue 1, pp. 5-22, Category B journal as per ABDC list https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIBR-09-2019-0268/full/pdf?title=understanding-consumer-motivation-to-share-iot-products-data
- R Kumra, RK Mittal, L Gunupudi., (2019) Trust and its determinants in internet banking: A study of private sector banks in India 1Information Systems, 141-158
- Lakshman, Kumra Rajeev and Atanu, (2017), “”Proactive Market Orientation and Innovation in India: The Moderating Role of Intra-Firm Causal Ambiguity”, Journal of Management & Organization¸ Vol 23, Issue 1, January, pp. 116-135, Category B journal as per ABDC list
- Kumra, Rajeev, Madhavan Parthasarathy, and Shafiullah Anis (2016), “Unraveling Religious Advertisements Effectiveness in a Multi-Religious Society,” Journal of Indian Business Research, 8 (2), 122-142. Category B journal as per ABDC list
- Anjali Malik, Rajeev Kumra, Smitha Girija (2015), “Gaming Dependency Among Indian Adolescents: A Phenomenological Study”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Volume 12, Issue 3 Category C journal as per ABDC list, https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJICBM.2016.075539
- Kumra Rajeev et.al, (2014), “Factors Affecting Behavioral Intention to Adopt 3G Mobile Value-Added Services in India”, International Journal of Electronic Business¸ Inderscience Publication, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 354-383, Category C journal as per ABDC list, https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEB.2014.065820
- Kumra Rajeev and Anjali Malik, (2014), “An Exploratory Study of Counterfeit Purchases among Rural Bottom of Pyramid Customers in India”, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Vol.6, No.4, pp.316-339, Inderscience Publication, Category C journal as per ABDC list https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=65562
- Kumra Rajeev et.al. (2013), “Determinants of Consumer Acceptance of M-Commerce”, South Asia Management Journal, April-June, Vol.20, Issue No.2, pp. 102-127, AMDISA publication, Category C journal as per ABDC list http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=d899e417-fe15-45d3-9c16-eaf9dc7b8ea4%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=89574004&db=bth
- Kumra Rajeev et.al, (2013), “Lifestyle Segmentation of e-Mavens”, Metamorphosis Vol. 12, No.2, July-Dec, pp. 86-102¸ IIM-Lucknow Journal, Category 1 journal as per ABS list
- Kumra Rajeev et.al. (2012), “Open Book Practices in Buyer-Supplier Relationships in India”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Emerald publication, Vol. 27/3, pp. 196-210, Category A journal as per ABDC list http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=17015254
- Rajeev, K. (2012), Internet Banking Usage: A Customers Perspective. International Journal of Management Practices & Contemporary Thoughts, 67-76.
- Anjali Malik and Kumra Rajeev (2012), Word of Mouth: A Research Agenda, International Journal of Management Research, 3, No. 1 June 2012, 58 Volume 3, Number 1, June, pp 58-70, published by Philadelphia University, Philadelphia (USA)
- Kumra Rajeev et.al. (2010), ‘A Longitudinal exploratory study of changing perceptioons toward an iconic brand in a developing country’, Journal of Indian Business Research, Jan-July 2010, Emerald publication, Vol. 2, No.3, pp. 138-152, Category B journal as per ABDC list http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1876806,
- Kumar, R. (2010). Customer Complaint Behavior and Triggers: A Qualitative Study. IIMS Journal of Management Science, 1(1), 38-45.
- Kumra Rajeev (2008), ‘Salesperson’s Preferences toward Sales Quota Bonus Plan: A Study of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry’, Decision, IIM-C Journal, Jan-June, Vol 35 (1), pp 111-27, Category C journal as per ABDC list
- Kumra, Rajeev (2005) “E-CRM vendors: a contemporary study”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 2 Iss: 2, pp.70 – 77, Emerald publication, Category C journal as per ABDC list; http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1814132&show=html
- Kumra, R., & Mittal, R. K. (2004). Trust and its determinants in internet banking: A study of private sector banks in India. Decision (0304-0941), 31(1), IIM-C Journal, Jan-June
- “Consumer Behaviour: An Applied Orientation in Indian Context” Published by Himalaya Publishers
- Kumra Rajeev, RK Mittal and Lakshmi Gunupudi (2019). Trust and its determinants in internet banking: A study of private sector banks in India. (Chapter 7) Seetharaman, P., & Cranefield, J. (Eds.). Information Systems: Debates, Applications and Impacts. Taylor & Francis.
- Kumra Rajeev (2007). Paradigm Shift in Pharmaceutical Industry: An Exploratory Study of IPR Regime Scenario. (Chapter 18) Shri Prakash & H. Chaturvedi (Eds.). WTO, Intellectual Property Rights and Branding. Pp 296-315. Har-Anand publications.
- Kumra Rajeev et.al, (2013), “An Exploratory Study of Risk Factors For Pathological InternetGaming Among Adolescents”, Working Paper¸ Bradford University – UK,http://www.brad.ac.uk/management/research/research-publications-and-seminars/working-papers/wp/?paperid=13/03&year=2013
- Impact of Religious Iconography on advertisement Effectiveness: Perspective of Majority and Minority Faith in India; (2013) IIM-L Working paper series, Paper no: No: 2013-14/03
- R.K. Mittal Rajeev Kumra, “E-CRM in Indian Banks: An Overview”, Delhi Business Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, January – June, 2001
- Kumra Rajeev (2004), ‘WTO and its implication in Pharmaceutical industry’, Business Perspective, Jan-June.
- Kumra, R., & Mittal, R. K. (2004). Growth drivers of IT enabled banking in India: A study of scheduled commercial banks. LBS Journal of Management & Research, 2(1), 60-72.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2003), ‘Green marketing: an Indian initiative’, Indian Journal of Marketing, Jan.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2000), ’Are They Thou Krishna’, Dec., Indian Management.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2003), ‘CRM: A New Mantra’, BVMIR Management journal, Jan-June.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2002), ‘Ethical Issues in Cyberage’, Delhi Business review, Jan-July
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al., ’Challenge in Public Sector Bank: Managerial Perspective’, 8M Journal, Oct.-Dec. 2002.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2002), ’Electronic Banking in India’. Noida Management Association, Oct.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2002), ‘E-CRM: Its Need and Present Status’, Apeejay Business Review, June-Dec.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2001),’ Online Advertisement: a Paradigm Shift’, Business Perspective, July-Dec.,.
- Kumra Rajeev & et.al. (2001), ‘E-CRM in Indian Banks: An Overview’, Jan-July, Delhi Business Review.
- Kumra Rajeev, (2012) “Kolaveri Di: Going Viral”, Economic Times
- 2014 Faculty Development grant for religion research
- 2013 Faculty Development to attend ANZAM, Hobart, Australia Conference
- 2013 Research Grant from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for International Cooperation) or GIZ, an international enterprise owned by the German Federal Government on the “Consumer Policy and Sustainability
- 2012 Department of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India on the “Consumer Awareness Index Development”
- 2008 Worked on multi donor sponsored research by GTZ-DAI German firm for SME CRM capability development for Indian Bank.
Harvard Business School and Ivey Publication
Research Paper
Category A, B and C Publication
Book Chapters
Working Papers
Other Publication: Non-Category
Research Grants
Conferences Proceedings and Presentation
- Kumra, Rajeev. (2020, August 18-21). ‘Television Viewing and Conspicuous consumption at the Bottom of the Pyramid: An Empirical Examination’, paper no: 416, 2020 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, USA
- Kumra, Rajeev. (2020, May 28-30). Children as consumers of online gaming: The role of parental attachment. Marketing, Public Policy and Moral Courage in a Diverse, Rapidly Changing World, Volume 30; page no: 49-51 ISBN-13: 978-0-87757-007-3. 2020 American Marketing Association (AMA) Marketing + Public Policy, USA
- Kumra Rajeev, (2013, Dec 4-6). Religious Iconography, 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference is to be held in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
- Kumra, Rajeev. (2013, Dec 4-6). Responsive and proactive market orientation in India: Innovation and performance. Paper No: 160. 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference is to be held in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
- Kumra, Rajeev. (2016, Sep 9). Chief Guest. International case Conclave, GDGU – Elixir, G.D. Goneka University, Gurgaon, India
- Anjali Malik, Rajeev Kumra and Simtha Girja, (2014). Pathological Online Gaming among Adolescents: A Review, IIM-L Conference: Listening to Consumers of Emerging Markets, Chapter 37 pp 180-4
- “Service Quality in Tourism: Special Reference To Rural And Medical Tourism” “Quality Management in Organisations” 26th Feb, 2010. University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
- Kumra, Rajeev and Anjali Malik. (2010, Dec 27-29). Exploratory Study of Mobile Number Portability and Consumer Switching Intention in Indian Mobile Market. First International Marketing Conference MARCON 2010, Indian Institute of Management – Calcutta.
- Kumra Rajeev (2009, April 8-10). Utilizing Market Segmentation In Tourist Shopping: A Literature Review. International Conference on Tourism in Global Village. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow and Kozhikode, India (paper in absentia)
- Kumra Rajeev (2008, August 11-13), India and International Relationship Programs Comparison: An Exploratory Study of Retail Industry, Annual Conference of Academy of International Business – India & CIMER on “Globalisation and Emerging Economies” held at IIM, Indore, India.
- Rajeev Kumra, (2007). Service Quality in Rural Tourism: A Prescriptive Approach, IIM-K conference on tourism in India–Challenges ahead, Volume 15, Issue 17, Pages 424-431on May 15-17
- Rajeev Kumra, (2007). Lost Customers Compliant Behaviour and Triggers: An Exploratory Study 2nd IIMA Conference on Research in Marketing, January 3-5, pp 3-6
- Kumra Rajeev (2008), “Inequalities in Agricultural Growth: A Farmers Perspective” in national conference on “Globalization and Inclusive growth” organized by BIMTECH sponsored by AICTE on May 2-4.
- Kumra Rajeev and Anjali Malik, (2007). Degree of Multinationality and Financial Performance of the Indian Textile sector. 2nd IIMA Conference on Research in Marketing, January 3-5, pp 113-9 Managing on the Edge.
- Kumra Rajeev (2006), International Marketing Conference organized on “Marketing in the Age of Convergence” by IIM-Kozhikode, on “Marketing in the Age of Convergence” presented paper titled ‘Lost Customer Assessment: A Case Study of Mobile Service Provider’ on Jan 7-8.
- Kumra Rajeev and Anjali Malik, (2005). Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Investigation. 1st IIMA Conference on Marketing Paradigm For Emerging Economies”, 12-13 Jan, 2005
- Kumra Rajeev (2005), National conference “The Holistic Marketing Framework: Enhancing Market Responsiveness” organized by LBSIM, presented a joint paper titled, ‘Post Subsidy Removal Impact on Fertilizer Consumption: A Farmer Perspective’,
- Kumra Rajeev (2004, Feb 6-8). Paradigm Shift in Pharma Industry: An Exploratory Study of IPR Regime Scenario. National Conference organized by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra, India.
- Kumra Rajeev (2003, Feb 12). Managing Corporate Reputation. School of Management Studies, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi, India.
- Kumra Rajeev (2002, Feb’ 22-24). E-CRM: Its Need and Present Status in India. First International Conference organized by Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar, India
- Kumra Rajeev (2002, Jan 8-9), ‘Ethical Issues in Cyberage’ Third International Conference jointly organized by GGS Indraprastha University, DSPSR, Delhi India. Paper presentation was awarded as the ‘Best paper presenter’
- Kumra Rajeev (2002, Jan 8-9), ‘E-CRM in Indian Banks: An Overview’, Second International Conference jointly organized by GGS Indraprastha University & DSPSR, Delhi, India.
- Lafarge Cement – “Sales Managers’ Competency mapping and Mentoring”
- Abbott India Limited on “Segmentation of KOL”
- Registered with Asian Development Bank as an International and National Consultant on Marketing, Sales and Education
- Consultancy to GROZ Engineering Limited in the area of Sales and Branding
- Case Study Development for Bajaj Finance Limited
- Consultancy to the Power Finance Corporation Ltd., on the “Capacity Building under R-ARDP, “Financial Management of Distribution Business” (2012). This was finance related consultancy in which the distribution companies where given a solution to overcome the T&D related losses. Rs 408661https://www.ipds.gov.in/RIs/List_of_Resource_Institutes.pdf
- Consultancy was provided to the Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited on the “Blueprint for Academy” during 2009, currently working as a consultant and academic advisory board. This is a Human Resource related intervention. Rs 297810
- Consultancy was provided to the Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited on the “Content Development for Academy” during 2010
- Consultancy was provided to the Department of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India on the “Consumer Awareness Index Development” (2012). Developed Consumer Awareness Index for Department of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India, to help them in bench marking and improving consumer awareness in India Rs 694890
- Consultancy was provided to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for International Cooperation) or GIZ, an international enterprise owned by the German Federal Government on the “Monitoring system of consumer protection policy” (2012) Rs 6,00,000
- Worked on multi donor sponsored project by GTZ-DAI German firm for SME CRM capability development for State Bank of Indore during year 2008.
- Consultancy was provided to the Security Printing & Minting Corpn. Ltd., New Delhi (Public Sector Unit) on the “Customer Satisfaction Survey” during Jan 2011, Rs 508045
- Consultancy was provided to the Security Printing & Minting Corpn. Ltd., New Delhi (Public Sector Unit) on the “Monitoring Evaluation & Consulting Services for various cities under CSR” during year 2012 Rs 356910/-
- Consultancy was provided to the Security Printing & Minting Corpn. Ltd., New Delhi (Public Sector Unit) on the “Rendering Engineering Consultancy services & Project supervision/ services for various sites under CSR” during year 2011 Rs 548666
- Consultancy was provided to the PEC Limited (Public Sector Unit) on the “Customer Satisfaction Index” during Jan 2006
- Consultancy to Current Advertising Private Limited for their client PFC on “Relevance of Tag Line of Power Finance Corporation” during March 2006
- Study on “Comparative Analysis of Distribution Model” for Seagate Singapore International Limited during June 2005
- Conducting customized training program to executives from various companies such as Bajaj Finance, KPMG, RateGain, HPCL
- Conduct an online one-year marketing, sales and distribution programme since 2007 for marketing executives. Executives from various companies such as Coca Cola, Unilever, Pepsi, Toyota, etc. to attend it every year. In current year batch there are 107 participants
- Conduct an online one-year marketing, sales and distribution programme since 2007 for marketing executives. Executives from various companies such as Coca Cola, Unilever, Pepsi, Toyota, etc. to attend it every year. In current year batch there are 107 participants
- Conducted In-house customized five training Program ForReligare in year 2014 on Sales and Marketing
- Conducted In-house customized five training Program For Apollo Tyres in year 2014 on Sales and Marketing
- Conducted In-house customized five training Program For Kotak Mahindra Bank in year 2014 on Sales and Marketing
- Conducted In-house customized Training Program For IRS officers (Indian Diplomats) in year 2014 at South Korea and Singapore
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on ‘Services Marketing’, for ‘Senior Officers of AGM and DGM level’ of State Bank of India in 2012 at IIM-Lucknow Noida Campus
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on ‘Services Marketing’, for ‘Senior Officers of AGM and DGM level’ of Punjab National Bank on 18-22 January, 2010 at IIM-Lucknow Noida Campus
- Delivered sessions on ‘Understanding Customer Value’, for ‘Senior Officers’ of Indian Audit and Revenue Services on 20 June, 2009 at IIM-Lucknow.
- Delivered sessions on ‘Services Marketing’, for ‘Senior Officers’ of Indian Railways Services on 21-30 April, 2009 at IIM-Lucknow.
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on ‘Marketing’, for ‘Management Trainees’ of Godrej Limited on 6-11 October, 2008 at Godrej training center at their Head office at Mumbai.
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on ‘Marketing of Financial Services’ for ‘Distributors’ of BNP Paribas on 17-19 September, 2008 at IIM-Indore.
- Delivered sessions on ‘Marketing and Marketing Communications’ for ‘Managing Director, Domestic and International Head’ of Shakti Pumps on 6-7 August, 2008 at their facility at Pitampur.
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on ‘Customer Value and Relationship Management’, and ‘Service Profit Chain in Financial Services’ for ‘Regional, Zonal and Unit Heads’ of Mahindra Finance Services Limited on 11-16 August, 2008, 7-11 January, 2008 and Dec 8-14, 2007 at IIM-Indore.
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered ‘Relationship Sales Management’, ‘Service Profit Chain in Financial Services’ and ‘Channel Conflict Management’ for ‘Regional, and Cluster Heads’ of Development Credit Bank (DCB) on 25-27 February, 2008 at IIM-Indore.
- Conducted Training Program as Coordinator and sessions delivered on Consultancy to Delivered Session on ‘Fundamentals of Marketing’ for AVTEC on 26 Oct, 2007 at IIM-Indore.
- Session delivered on ‘Channel Conflict Management’, to ‘Regional, and Vice Presidents’ of Reliance General Insurance Limited on 22 Oct, 2007 at IIM-Indore.
- Delivered Session on ‘Various topics of Marketing’, for Impetus on Sep-Oct, 2007
- Conducted Sessions on Loyalty Programs, Sales and Distribution, Market Feasibility for various companies participants in Open MDPs
- Syndicate Bank 2004. ‘Chief Managers’, Session delivered on ‘Customer Relationship Management and Marketing’ for of. Chief Managers at the Syndicate Bank training center, Delhi
- Conducted FDP programme sessions on Marketing to FMCG as a resource person for the management faculty “Advances in Marketing” organized by the Japiuria Institute of Management on June 1-12, 2009; 32 faculty members attended FDP.
- Conducted FDP programme sessions on Pedagogy as a resource person for the management faculty organized by the IIM-Indore. 43 faculty members attended FDP.
- Conducted FDP programme on Conjoint Analysis as a resource person for the management faculty organized by the IIM – Indore. 34 faculty members attended FDP.
- Conducted FDP programme sessions on Business School Faculty Role as a resource person (March 1-2, 2008) for the management faculty organized by the Siva Shivani Insitute, Hyderabad. 32 faculty members attended FDP.
- Conducted FDP programme sessions as a resource person for the management faculty organized by the LBSIM and sponsored by the AICTE. 14 faculty members attended FDP
Consultations, Training, Seminar and Workshops Conducted
2007 – Present Noida, India
Private Organization, Public Sector, and Government Departments
Training Program Conducted
Senior Management, Indian Bureaucrat (Diplomats), Senior Academic Administrators (Vice Chancellors), Faculty, Doctors
Indicative list of MDP – Customized and In-House
2007 – Present Noida, India
Faculty Development Program Conducted
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L (Executive MBA) 2022-23
- BEST Marketing Course at IIM-L 2022-23
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2020-21
- BEST Elective at IIM-L 2020-21
- BEST Marketing Course at IIM-L 2020-21
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2019-20
- BEST ELECTIVE at IIM-L 2019-20
- BEST Marketing Course at IIM-L 2019-20
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-Lucknow 2018-19
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-Jammu 2018-19
- BEST Elective Course at IIM-L 2018-19
- BEST Core Course Executive MBA at IIM-L 2018-19
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2017-18
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2016-17
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2015-16
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2014-15
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2013-14
- BEST FACULTY at IIM-L 2012-13
- Professor of The Year’ in 2021 by InsideIIM 2021 https://insideiim.com/meet-the-professor-who-has-been-iim-lucknows-best-faculty-for-eight-times-in-a-row
- 2019 Ranked among the 251 Most Fabulous Global Education Leaders
- Dewang Mehta Award for Best Teacher in Marketing Management – 2010
Year 2022-23
Year 2020-21
Year 2019-20
Year 2018-19
Year 2017-18
Year 2016-17
Year 2015-16
Year 2014-15
Year 2013-14
Year 2012-13
Other Awards