Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor & Chairperson – MBA-Marketing
Marketing Management
PhD (Marketing) – IIM Rohtak
Date of Joining:
9th August 2022
- Dr. Shivan Sanjay Patel is a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Management Rohtak. Prior to this, he was an Assistant Professor at the Manipal Centre for Business Practice (MCBP), Bengaluru. Dr. Shivan has published several research works in the field of marketing. His teaching and research interests include digital and social media marketing, channel management, and marketing analytics. In addition, he has conducted several executive education programs for both academia and leading companies like the Cotton Corporation of India. Apart from this, he has also worked on various consultancy projects with the Government of India as well as the Government of Haryana.
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Analytics
- B2B Marketing
- Digital and Social Media Marketing
- B2B marketing
- Marketing Strategy
- Sales and personal selling
- Social media marketing
- Sharma, D., Patel, S. S., & Pandey, S. K. (2021). Exploring the influence of channel leadership style on channel commitment in a franchising context. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36(8), 1415-1434 (ABDC: A).
- Patel, S.S.; Pandey S. K.; Sharma, D. (2021), “Determinants of willingness to pay for traditional bundles: A study from India”, International Journal of Emerging Markets (available online) (ABDC: B).
- Prince, S. A., Patel, S. S., Borman, T., & Al-Fazari, H. S. (2020). The impact of the microcredit interest rate on capital creation in Bangladesh. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 13(6), 706-731. (Scopus Indexed, ABS – 1).
- Khare, A., Sarkar, S., & Patel, S. S. (2019). Influence of culture, price perception and mall promotions on Indian consumers’ commitment towards malls. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 47(10), 1093-1124. (ABDC: A).
- Patel, S. S., Pandey, S. K., & Sharma, D. (2019). Revisiting the relevance debate empirically: Historical roots and modern shoots. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 27(4), 273-283. (ABDC: A).
Conferences and Workshops
- Sharma, D., Pandey, S. K., Patel, S. S., “Influence of Internet channel cannibalization on Business confidence and Professionalism: The buffering role of environmental munificence”, held on 02-04 July 2019, at 2019 Academy for Global Business Advancement, IIT Delhi.
- Patel, S. S., Pandey S. K., Sharma D., Yadav, R. S., “Marketing research for managers: Revisited,” held on 26-29 July 2018, at 2018 Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Tokyo, Japan.
- Patel, S. S., Pandey, S. K., Sharma, D., “Channel Leadership Styles as an Antecedent to Commitment and Relational Capital: The Moderating Role of Multiple Channel Complexity,” held on 14 June 2018, at 40th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
- Mishra, M., Patel S. S., Murthy, V. “Grounded Theory Methodology in Human Resource Management Literature: A Systematic Review,” held on 07 & 08 April 2018, at IME Doctoral Colloquium, IIT Kanpur, India.
- Patel, S. S., Pandey, S. K., “Is research in marketing “relevant” for managers? A Scientific Inquiry,” held on 23 & 24 February 2018, at Ph.D. Consortium, SJMSOM, IIT Bombay, India.
- Patel, S. S., Pandey, S. K., “Determinants of willingness to pay for traditional bundles,” held on 23 & 24 February 2018, at Ph.D. Consortium, SJMSOM, IIT Bombay, India.
- Not Applicable.
Media Coverage
- “Data Science: Career of the future,” published in Deccan Herald, DH Education, on March 02, 2022, available at: https://www.deccanherald.com/supplements/dh-education/data-science-career-of-the-future-1086907.html