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Faculty Profile


Assistant Professor


Accounting, Economics and Finance


Phd in Public Policy from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, M.Sc. in Urban Policy and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (2016-18), B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly DCE)

Date of Joining:

1st July 2024



  • Managerial Economics, Macroeconomics.


  • Rural banking, development economics political economy of urban growth, urban governance


  • NA

Conferences and Workshops

  • Presented a paper titled, “Institutional and Policy History of Banking in Rural India” at the APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2023, Atlanta. Nov 9-11, 2023
  • Presented a paper titled, “Institutional and Policy History of Banking in Rural India” at the Seoul Summer School paper development workshop organized by the International Public Policy Association. Aug 21-25, 2023
  • Presented a paper titled, “Institutional and Policy History of Banking in Rural India” at the Management Education and Research Colloquium hosted by the Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur. May 19-21, 2023o
  • Awarded Best Paper in Track

  • Presented paper titled, “Understanding multiplicity of institutions in urban governance: Case of Bangalore city” at 36th EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organizational Studies) hosted by Universität Hamburg. June 30-July 4, 2020
  •  “Impact of Regional Rural Banks on Financial Depth in Rural India” presented at-

    • Annual International Research Conference at Indian Institute of Management,Lucknow.Dec14-17, 2023
    • Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, South Central and Western Asia-Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Jan 12-14, 2024


  • NA

Media Coverage

  • Not Applicable