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Faculty Profile


Assistant Professor, TAPMI, Bengaluru


Information Systems and Analytics


PhD, Information Systems, IIM Bangalore, BE, Geo-Informatics, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University

Date of Joining:

2nd May 2024                    


  • Dr. Sowmya Kini is a PhD from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in the Information Systems domain. Her thesis is on “Understanding Trust and User Behaviour in Online Platforms”. As a part of her thesis work, she has hands-on experience in quantitative and qualitative methodologies. During her PhD, she presented her works at various National and International Conferences and received Best Paper awards. Prior to her PhD, she did her B.E. in Geo-Informatics from the College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University.


  • IT for Business, Digital Transformation, Digital Platforms and Business Models


  • Online Platforms and User Behaviour, Trust Research, Digital Transformation, ICT for Development

Conferences and Workshops

  • 2023    Kini, Sowmya & Bandi, Rajendra K., (2023). “Cancel on the App, Let’s Do This Directly: An Exploratory Study on Trust Paradox and Users’ Circumvention of Sharing Platforms.” International Conference on Digital Organizations (ICODO) 2023-24.
  • 2023    Kini, Sowmya & Bandi, Rajendra K., (2023). “Addressing the Overlooked: Understanding Provider’s Trust in Sharing Economy Platforms.” International Conference on Digital Organizations (ICODO) 2023-24.
  • 2022    Kini, Sowmya & Bandi, Rajendra K., (2022). “A Review of Literature on Trust in Online Platforms- A Conceptual Unified Framework and Future Research Directions.” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2022 Proceedings. 5.
  • 2022    Kini, Sowmya, (2022). “Essays on trust in online platforms.” Doctoral Consortium, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2022.
  • 2021    Kini, Sowmya & Bandi, Rajendra K., (2021). “A Review of Literature on Trust in Online Platforms and Future Research Directions.” Software and Product Management Summit, India 2021 proceedings.
  • 2020    Kini, Sowmya & De’, Rahul, (2020). “Are Smart Cities Only for Urban Elites? A Case of Chennai Metro.” Joint Workshop on Paper Development for ICIS 2020, conducted by IIMB, IIITB and Association for Information Systems India Chapter.


  • 2023    First Runner Up – Best Doctoral Dissertation Award at International Conference on Digital Organizations held at IIMA.
  • 2021    Best Review Paper Award at Software Product Management Summit held at IIM Bangalore.

Media Coverage

  • Not Applicable