Gather keen insights as you interact with nationally and internationally acclaimed finance experts on the latest developments and trends in the field of finance. Finomenal was conceptualized to bridge the gap between the world of corporate finance and B-school education, ensuring the interaction of industry experts with TAPMI students for a seamless flow of ideas.
Finomenal 2017
Finomenal is the annual finance conclave organized by the Finance Forum of TAPMI. It is a student run initiative to bring together Economists, CXO’s, Bankers, Regulators and Fund Managers to discuss recent trends, emerging issues, challenges and opportunities in the industry and the way ahead. The events to be held during Finomenal- 2017 aims to create a platform for finance students to showcase their knowledge and also network with senior industry professionals.
The Theme of the Conclave is- “GOVERN || STRENGTHEN || TRANSFORM”
Events to be organized during Finomenal 2017 are:
- TAPMI-Bloomberg Olympiad: In association with Bloomberg, Finance Forum will organize the 3rd edition of TAPMI-Bloomberg Olympiad in state of the art TAPMI Finance lab, powered by 16 Bloomberg terminals. Bloomberg champions of more than 10 B-Schools will come to TAPMI to take part in the Olympiad. The objective of this event is to create a platform to test the expertise of students on Bloomberg terminals. Event date- 27th and 28th October 2017.
- Accretion 1.0.- In this inter college event, students will act as financial consultants and advise clients on the feasibility of possible Merger or Acquisition that the company might want to make.
- Govern It Right – This is a intra college event, where students will act as representatives of the Board/ Minority stakeholders of a company to debate on current governance that the company is facing.
Apart from the above events, we are organising several Guest Lectures and Interactive Sessions like round table discussions between Guests and Students. The tentative topics are as below:
- Sustainability and Governance
- Business Ethics in Corporate Governance
- Financial market supervision and control
- Internal controls and accountability
TAPMI Bloomberg Olympiad
TAPMI Bloomberg Olympiad-Clash of the Champions aims at inviting all schools that have Bloomberg terminals in India. The intent of this Olympiad is to create a platform to test the expertise of students on Bloomberg terminals. It is one of its kind as Bloomberg LP has never collaborated with a college to conduct an Olympiad and TAPMI has been the first institution to run the Olympiad with Bloomberg.
Finomenal 2016
FINOMENAL the Annual Finance Conclave of T.A. Pai Management Institute witnessed a plethora of events and hosted several Industry experts in its third edition this October between 14th to 16th , 2016.
FINOMENAL 2016 created a platform that brought together students from 12 colleges across India, and 21 Industry Experts and Practitioners, from diverse fields of finance such as Wealth Management, Fund Management, Banking, Corporate Finance, and Management Consulting.

FINOMENAL hosted the 2nd edition of the TAPMI Bloomberg Olympiad, from 14th to 15th October, with 10 teams competing for the Championship Trophy,
The First round saw the Bloomberg Champions from SMIS, N.L Dalmia, Great Lakes, and T.A Pai Management Institute emerge as the top 4 teams. The final round tested the knowledge of the Champions in using the Bloomberg Terminals in asset allocation through Technical Analysis. T.A Pai Management Institute, which was a runners up last year, emerged as the winners in the clash of the Champions.

Bloomberg Olympiad – The aim of Bloomberg Olympiad is to test India’s Bloomberg Champions across a wide range of competitive rounds which includes their knowledge of the Bloomberg Terminal and their ability to translate the capabilities of the Terminal in its implementation in its day to day activities. For the 2nd season of the Bloomberg Olympiad, 10 teams from different colleges across India participated in the elimination rounds. The first round was Fastest Fingers First where teams had to apply appropriate functions to arrive at an answer for 20 odd questions. The second round was EQS based screening round where the criteria was set with 5 levels of increasing difficulty. The third round was a Portfolio optimization round where teams had to optimize a portfolio spread over 4 years. After the above mentioned mind stimulating and rigorous rounds, 4 teams from NL Dalmia, TAPMI, SIMS and Great Lakes qualified for the final round. In the final round Technical Analysis Challenge was thrown. At last, Tapmi champions walked away as the winners with the SIMS Champions being the runners up.

As per tradition, we hosted a special Friday Nights Series, the speaker was Mr. Akshay Chinchalkar from Bloomberg, who is renowned as a Market Specialist for Charts, and Technical Analysis.
There were 2 new events that were introduced as part of Finomenal 2016.
Investors Inc. was an inter-college event where students don the hat of a wealth manager, advising their clients on the aspects of asset allocation, security selection, and tax planning. The event saw participation from 100 teams all across India. The top 4 teams competed at TAPMI, with Sachit Modi and Rahul Jain emerged as the winner and Piyush Aggarwal and Prasoon Panwar emerged as the First Runners-up.

Confluence – A Trade Summit simulation was an intra-college event, that saw participation from 29 teams. The event kickstarted with a unique Treasure Hunt round with clues based on recent economic news. The top 8 teams competed in a moderated debate that tested their knowledge in international trade, and their negotiation, convincing, and communication skills. Anandita Awasthy, Manisha Sharma and Eram Maheen emerged as the winner and Durgesh Desai, Sohan Sardesai and Tanuj Gupta emerged as the First Runners-up.

Over the three days, as part of Finomenal 2016, we witnessed the TAPMI Bloomberg Olympiad, 2 intellectually stimulating Panel Discussions, and 12 informative Guest Lectures which accounted to over 30 hrs of interaction between Guests and students.
The organizing team, Finance Forum includes a team of 21 students, from both the PGDM as well as the BKFS stream.

Finomenal 2014
With great enthusiasm and high energy levels, Finomenal 2014, the annual finance conclave was declared open at T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal on 30th August 2014.
Finomenal 2014 was conceptualized in order to bridge the gap between the corporate finance world and the education being imparted at B-Schools. The sole objective of the event was to get industry experts to interact with the students of TAPMI, thereby allowing a seamless flow of ideas and insights. Finomenal 2014 focused on “Financial Innovation: Sustainability Vs Vulnerability”. The conclave was inaugurated by Dr. Prabhakar Patil, Jt. Director of SEBI. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Nayan Mehta, CFO – Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), who inaugurated the finance lab.
It further created a huge buzz in industry and education circles as TAPMI unveiled the “TAPMI FINANCE LAB”, a state-of-the-art lab made in association with Bloomberg India. The finance lab is a first of its kind in India and is expected to make the learning process at the institute to reach newer heights and herald a new era of financial innovation.
Some of the other attractions from the conclave were the guest lecture and panel discussions delivered by more than 20 stalwarts from the industry belonging to organizations like, Bombay Stock Exchange, S&P Capital IQ, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Dr Reddy’s Laboratory, Anand Rathi, Bloomberg India etc. The conclave also saw the launch of Samnidhy – A student managed Investment Fund (SMIF), which is a one of its kind initiative to manage real time money and make profits through mutual fund investments.
There were various student activities that were also organized during the two day event, namely Concall and Novina that were judged by guests and academicians from TAPMI.
With notable guests hailing from the financial domain, the conclave aimed to provide a conglomeration of the best financial minds of the country to give a better perspective to the students about the financial world. The two day conclave came to an end on 31st August 2014 with the closing ceremony attended by students, faculty and the esteemed guests.
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