Call for Papers :
We invite extended abstracts/case studies related to the conference theme, from academicians, industry professionals, research scholars, and independent consultants/professionals. The interested participants are requested to submit an abstract of their work. We invite papers around the following areas (not limited to)
- Industry 4.0, AI, Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Blockchain
- Healthcare supply chain management
- COVID-19 and Supply chain risk management
- Humanitarian operations management
- Model-based decision making
- Micro and Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) operations
- Not-for-profit operations management
- Service supply chain
- Social Media & Analytics
- Sustainability
- Tourism/Hospitality supply chain
- Circular economy
- Digital transformation and operations
- Data driven operations management
- Service operations management
- Case studies on operations and analytics
- Behavioral operations management
- Production & operations management
The authors of accepted abstracts may choose to submit the full paper.Copyrights of the papers accepted will remain with the authors.Selected full paper submissions may be considered for publication in a special issue of Operations Management Education Review Journal (Scopus Indexed) after the peer review process as per the journal’s guidelines and scope.
Academic papers include case studies, research in progress and full research papers.Industrial papers include corporate papers, best practices, new technologies, practitioners’ opinions and perspectives on policy issues, and any other significant issues relating to the theme of the conference.
Abstract Submission :
Interested participants should submit their abstracts adhering to the following guidelines:
- File Format: .doc or .docx
- Format: Single-spaced; Font type – Times New Roman; Font size – 12 point
- The word file should be named in the following format: ICETOA_2023_Abstract_First Author Name. For example ICETOA_2023_Abstract_Kumar V
- The abstract should not exceed 150 words (the abstract should be in words and should not contain any mathematical equations, figures, and tables)
- The title of the submission should not exceed 15 words
- Abstract should contain the title of the submission and the details about each author (name, affiliation, email-id, corresponding author, and presenting author)
- One author may submit no more than 2 abstracts to the conference
- The authors of accepted abstracts may choose to submit the full paper.
The submissions of abstracts for the conference should be mailed to
The subject of the mail should be in the following format:
ICETOA2023_Abstract Submission_First author name_Short title
Example: ICETOA2023_Abstract Submission_KumarV_Impact of big data on supply chain risk
Please avoid multiple submissions for the same paper.
Registration :
Registration Fee :
Type of Registration | Fee (including taxes) For early bird (before 30th January 2023) | Fee (including taxes)(After 30th January 2023) |
Indian participants – Faculty | ₹ 4000 | ₹ 5000 |
Foreign participants – Faculty | USD 150 | USD 200 |
Indian Participants – Industry Practitioners | ₹ 6000 | ₹ 10000 |
Indian Ph.D. Students | ₹ 1500 | ₹ 3000 |
Foreign Ph.D. Students | USD 100 | USD 125 |
Non-presenting participant | ₹ 1000 | ₹ 3000 |
Pre-conference workshop | ₹ 1000 | ₹ 2000 |
Registration is mandatory to attend the conference. For all accepted papers, at least one author should register as a presenting author. If the presenting author is accompanied by their co-authors, all co-authors should register under the category of non-presenting participant to attend the conference.
The registration fee for authors includes conference kit, breakfast, refreshments, and lunch for all days and dinner for the inaugural day. The registration fee for non-presenting participants includes breakfast, refreshments, and lunch for all three days.
Separate registration is required to attend the Pre-conference workshop on 17th March 2023.
Registration Method :
Registration method to be updated soon.
Important Dates :
Last date of abstract submission: On or before November30th, 2022
Announcement date of acceptance: On or before December30th, 2022
Commencement of Registration: December 30th, 2022
Last date for availing early bird discount: January 30th, 2023
Last date of registration: February 15th, 2023
Pre-conference workshop is scheduled on March17, 2023 followed by the conference on March18th and 19th, 2023.
Doctoral Colloquium :
ICETOA (International Conference on Emerging Trends in Operations and Analytics) will host a Doctoral Colloquium on March 17th 2023. The objective of the conference is to provide students with guidance on their doctoral research for a successful career. A group of eminent scholars will provide feedback and insightful analysis that will help doctoral students refine their research work. The Doctoral Colloquium serves as a forum for scholars to interact freely about their research.The colloquium is open to doctoral students and any student who aspires to do a PhD in the field of management.
The colloquium’s goal is to support a PhD scholar’s transformational journey by teaching them the intricacies of the research process and providing them with feedback on their work. To participate in the colloquium, students should submit an extended abstract not exceeding 1500 words (excluding references). The submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed, and top three research papers among those presented at the colloquium will be considered for the award of “Best Doctoral Paper”.
The submissions of extended abstracts (1500 words) for Doctoral Colloquium should be mailed to on or before November 30th 2022. The subject line for the email should be in the following format: ICETOA_2023_DC_ScholarName.
Example: ICETOA_2023_DC_Kumar V
The extended abstract should be submitted as doc/docx file. The file name should be in the same format as the subject line format mentioned above. Please use Times New Roman, 12pt, single spacing.
Pre-Conference Workshop :
Pre-conference Workshop on Machine learning models and Data Analytics
The workshop aims to introduce the participants to the machine learning models and techniques in data analytics, which provides insights and foresights aiding decision making. Participants will be exposed to different unsupervised and supervised machine learning techniques following the CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard practices in Data mining) framework on real-world datasets using open-source visual programming tool called Orange. Further advanced techniques on Image and Text Analytics will be introduced with use-cases through Orange.
Who Should Attend? The workshop is designed for doctoral students, researchers and executives who would like to understand and apply different machine learning and data management techniques in their respective areas without any pre-requisite knowledge of any data science language (like R and Python). This workshop would be valuable for executives and researchers who would like to take up consultancy or research based on data analytics in various industries as this workshop looks at different use-cases in different industries.
The schedule is as follows :
9.30 – 11 a.m. | Introduction to CRISP-DM Framework and Unsupervised Machine learning techniques through Orange data-mining tool |
11 – 11.15 a.m. | BREAK |
11.15 – 12.45 p.m. | Introduction to Supervised Machine learning techniques, Text Analytics and Machine learning techniques through Orange data-mining tool |
Profile of the Facilitator
Dr. Kartikeya P.Bolar (Associate Professor,TAPMI)
Dr. Kartikeya P.Bolar has Eighteen years of Academic and Research Experience .He has spent about a year @ University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA as a Visiting Research Scholar. He has published in journals of repute, viz. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Education Management Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies. He has conducted workshops on Structural Equation Modeling, Research Methods and Business Analytics. He has attended and presented papers at both international and national conferences of repute: viz. Midwest Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Toledo, USA; IASSIST 2010, Cornell University. His Research interests include E-commerce Diffusion, Data Mining, Business Analytics and Technology Adoption.
Publication Opportunities :
Selected full paper submissions may be considered for publication in a special issue of Operations Management Education Review Journal (Scopus Indexed) after the peer review process as per the journal’s guidelines and scope.
We are in talks with a few more journals for publication opportunities.