Projects & Partners
Our partners come across various spectrums including educational institutions, non-governmental organisations, entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals. Given below is a representation of the types of partners that we work with –
Organisations working with rural artisans such as Kadike Trust and C E Kamath Institute of Artisans (CEKIA) Organisations working with persons with disabilities such as ASARE, MANASA Rehabilitation Trust Organisations working with rural youth and women such as Bharatiya Vikas Trust and Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Program (SKDRDP) and Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) Organizations working on animal welfare and animal rights |
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Aligned with SDGs (4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11) |
Incubation institutions such as Manipal Universal Technology and Business Incubator (MUTBI) Skill and higher education schools such as Faculty of Architecture, MAHE, Innovation Centre, MAHE and the Welcome Group of Hotel Administration, Local government and primary schools |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Aligned with SDGs (1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11) | Government departments of Tourism, Horticulture and Public Works to name a few |
ASSOCIATIONS Aligned with SDGs (1, 5, 8, 9, 10) | Farmer producer organisations such as the Mattu Gulla Farmer Organizations and milk cooperatives such as the Dakshin Kannada Milk Union Limited |
CORPORATE PARTNERS & START-UPS Aligned with SDGs (5, 8, 9, 10, 12) |
Corporate partners such as BRAG, Brillio, BlackFrog Technologies, Farmazzy and AION Healthcare Systems |
LOCAL ENTREPRENEURS Aligned with SDGs (4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13) | Entrepreneurs and individuals such as educationists, architects, bakers, craftsmen and caterers who are working towards better livelihood opportunities for the vulnerable. |
MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS Aligned with SDGs (5, 8, 9 10) | Institutions such as Navodaya, SKDRDP etc who are working to provide financial inclusion and services for the poor. |